Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SUPERMAT (The VIRTUAL Centre for Integration of INNOVATIVE synthesis and Processing methods for SUSTAINABLE advanced Materials operating under Extreme Conditions)
Période du rapport: 2017-04-01 au 2018-12-31
The primary objective of the SUPERMAT project is to use the twinning instrument to create a virtual center to boost IMNR position in Bucharest-Ilfov region and Romania by increasing the knowledge and technology degree of innovation potential for sustainable advanced materials operating under extreme conditions. The need of such innovative class of materials is strongly required to enhance the competitiveness of regional and national SMEs and large companies in the priority machinery and equipment sector.
The SUPERMAT virtual center developed by seven Research Centers from France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, UK and Romania with expertise and reputation in advanced materials and processing technologies has been created to foster the progress in these fields. The major application directions will be driven by the needs of industry provided by the SUPERMAT Industrial Board. Expected results include elaboration of innovative technology based on thermodynamic prediction methods enabling sustainable synthesis of novel system and validation in pilot scale conditions, reducing or even fully replacing critical raw materials) in extreme environments applications, complex integrated open access database for materials design from synthesis to processing and applications used, sspecific curricula and a unique international massive on-line open course on materials under extreme environments will be implemented.
SUPERMAT will impact directly over the following areas identified in the Bucharest-Ilfov RIS3: Mechatronics, Machinery and equipment, Automotive, Energy and intelligent energetic systems by:
- Foster the creation of new innovative SMEs (including start-up and spin-off) and jobs for high qualified people and young graduates: 1 spin-off to be created by IMNR researchers (in course)
- Develop one new curricula for PhD students to improve their access on the strategic market of machinery and equipment
- New courses for long-life training of industrial employees.
At international level SUPERMAT will impact over the competitiveness, product quality and use of high qualified employees from key industrial sectors such as the aerospace sector, the automotive industry, manufacturing sector and the energy production sectors, contributing to more than 40% of the EU GDP.
-Improving existing modelling and simulation tools for ab-initio design of novel multifunctional materials for extreme environments, based on evaluating the available tools and methods existing at each partner to improve the ability of the Consortium to predict the system evolution along the whole process chain from the synthesis to bulk or coating complex materials. Starting from partners’ existing software for materials modelling and materials databases, a pilot roadmap for multiscale methodology to design novel alloys and coatings of practical interest was proposed.
-High temperature oxide and composite coatings structures used as thermal barrier coatings, high entropy alloys bulk and coating materials, oxide dispersed steels and gradient thin coatings as innovative solutions aiming to reduce the use of critical raw materials were proposed based on the critical analysis of actual state of the art and proposing a set of best available technologies, including plasma spraying, electron beam deposition, rapid solidification and 3D-printing or additive manufacturing.
Short term secondments and training of young researchers in characterisation and modelling activities were performed. A Webinar on IPR and entrepreneurship training was performed by specialists from KTH with participation of researchers from the Consortium. A training course for employees from Romanian industrial companies was organized for continuous long life learning activities under occupational code 242102 “Specialist in Processes Improvements”.
Three workshops were organized covering as main topics: Innovation towards Technology for extreme conditions industry, standardization challenges and needs of the industry working under high exigency and Innovative industry and KETs integration.
Two summer schools were organized regarding in Sardinia-Italy and Bordeaux-France under direct support of SUPERMAT.
A final conference was organized in 14-16 November 2018 in Bucharest with specialists from different EU Platforms.
Six joint project proposals for participation in H2020 calls have been submitted for evaluation.
- An International Industrial PhD Degree/Curricula in Common was proposed and a Massive Online Open Course on materials for extreme environments was issued.
- A handbook regarding standardization procedures for characterization of materials for extreme condition was issued.
-Dissemination and communications activities were performed including project web page, participation in 6 scientific conferences, flyers and the first E-newsletter.
-Management activities were continuously monitoring the general and annual activities plans, based on the revised IMNR SWOT analysis.
- A strategy for continuation of SUPERMAT virtual center was established, paving the way toward future joint actions in the field at inter-regional levels.
Some original results were disseminated in ISI papers, open access choice, conferences and workshops.
-elaboration of a pilot roadmap for multiscale methodology to design novel alloys and coatings of interest for extreme environments applications; it will be applied for new alloys and new coating systems
- design and obtaining of new oxide nanostructured coating systems for thermal barrier coatings with perowskite / pyrochlore structure from the complex oxide system BaZrO3 / La2Zr2O7 exhibiting no phase transition in a working temperature range up to 20000C, using electron beam vacuum deposition process on different substrates as innovative coating process on large surfaces at pilot scale
-high entropy alloys from the system AlCoCrFeNiTi obtained by induction melting or electron beam vacuum deposition
-starting elaboration of a complex relationship database for materials design from synthesis to processing and applications