Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FOODstars (Innovative Food Product Development Cycle: Frame for Stepping Up Research Excellence of FINS - FOODstars)
Reporting period: 2017-03-01 to 2018-11-30
During the project, 13 one-month trainings were conducted, 4 schools organized and 2 study visits to TTOs. Knowledge is gained in the field of novel food raw materials and technologies, food structure, food components analysis, aroma profiling, sensory and consumer science. Research results have been gathered to be published in the top 10% impact ranked scientific journals. Furthermore, 9 workshops: “New value from food processing waste streams and by-products”, “Protective/preventive role of bioactive food components in human health”, “Green extraction techniques in food science”,”Recent developments in microencapsulation of food ingredients”, “Creation a successful business plan”, “IPR in food science”, “Knowledge transfer to food SMEs”, “From idea to innovative food product” and “On the road to Innovation Union: European food legislation” were organized not only for FINS researchers, but for all interested stakeholders.
Different dissemination and promotion activities have been carried out within the framework of FOODstars project. Information evenings ''Everything you wanted to know about food quality, but had no one to ask'' preceded the conduct of the consumers’ survey to find out the topics of most interest for the consumers. On the basis of received responses three topics were selected to be covered by the information evenings: food additives (1), fats (2) and salt in food (3). The events were further promoted in a dedicated TV show ’’Potrošački reporter’’ (engl. Consumer reporter) and broadcasted at The Public Broadcasting Service. Three open days ''Inside FINS'' were organized for several target groups: school children to explore the fun of food research, under- and postgraduate researchers to enable them to review the possibilities for further research and postgraduate research opportunities, industry representatives and other business stakeholders to demonstrate the existing research capabilities and to find opportunities of joint cooperation and partnership. Round table discussions ''Current problems in food SMEs in Serbia–and the ways of overcoming them'' proved to be a successful strategy to enhance the interaction between the food industry and FINS. The final FOODstars leaflet was developed and published under the name ""Towards a sustainable future and changing marketplace and the stars within our reach"". Press releases have been used as the main communication channels with journalist and editors of mainly local print and electronic media (radio, television, internet portals and blogs). Each single press release has been acting as FOODstars news multiplier, helping to reach the wider public. Apart from the cooperation with Consumers' Association of Serbia, successful cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina was established.
As the final activity, the 4th International Congress ''Food Quality, Technology and Safety – FoodTech 2018'' was organised under the motto ''Innovation matters'' implying the connection of this event with the FOODstars project. The congress comprised of several thematic sessions organised to promote research, development, innovation, education and networking within food science and technology. The researchers from TEAGASC, Ireland and UNIBO, Italy were actively involved in the organisation of the congress serving as a members of International Scientific Board and contributing to the congress program, which resulted in the high scientific quality and ultimately to the overall success of the congress."