CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
The Report on the 1st stakeholder forum including recommendations (T1.2) reports about the 1st stakeholders forum in Kyiv and the recommendations resulting from this forum.
Report on dissemination activities (T5.1)Policy brief on transferable innovation support measures to Ukraine (T4.1 )
Input paper for the International workshop on exploring the possibilities to straighten the cooperation between EU MS and Ukraine in field of New materials (T1.3)
Input paper for the International workshop on exploring the possibilities to strenghten the cooperation between EU MS and Ukraine in field of New materials (T1.3)
Input paper for the meeting and report on the meeting (T1.3)Report on Horizon 2020 promotion activities (T2.1)
Report on Horizon 2020 promotion activities (T2.1). Update in M36.
Report on support measures to the Horizon 2020 consultation process (T3.1)Report on support measures to the Horizon 2020 consultation process (T3.1) [Update in M36]
Policy brief on how to accelerate the process of bringing knowledge to the market including promising practises from EU and Ukraine and recommendations (T4.3)Policy brief on how to accelerate the process of bringing knowledge to the market including promising practises from EU and Ukraine and recommendations (T4.3)
Monitoring concept (T1.4)Monitoring concept (T1.4) for the Monitoring of the implementation of the RTI policy mix recommendations.
Progress report on policy support activities including a collection of assessment reports about Ukrainian participation in H2020 and short reports about support actions from EU MS to Ukraine (T1.1)The Progress report on policy support activities including a collection of assessment reports about Ukrainian participation in H2020 and short reports about support actions from EU MS to Ukraine (T1.1) reports about the progress made in Task 1.1 Policy support.
Quality Assurance plan & Exploitation strategy (T5.3)Dissemination and communication plan
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