Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EE-METAL (Applying energy efficient measures for metal and metalworking SMEs and industry)
Período documentado: 2017-09-01 hasta 2019-02-28
EE-METAL project focused on one of the biggest industrial sectors in Europe. In 2012, the Metalworking and Metal Articles sector (Nace C24,C25,C28) accounted for 25% of the value added, almost 23,5% of all enterprises and 25% of the employment in the EU manufacturing sector. This sector is dominated by very small entities and is placed between big suppliers (steel) and big customers (e.g. automotive), hence it has very often been referred to as “the invisible sector”.
In relation with Energy Efficiency (EE), the MMA sector suffers from the weaknesses and threats common to other industrial SMEs, such as limited access to finance and difficulties to handle administrative burdens and regulation.
Considering the previous, the EE-METAL approach was to address the increase of energy efficiency in industry of the MMA sector, bringing together various MMA Enterprise associations across Europe facing similar challenges (AECIM, AIB, MR and MPPK) and Energy Engineering organizations (AIN, CSMT, MR and AUiPE) in an integrated and coordinated way. EE-METAL actions focused on overcoming the main barriers faced by MMA SMEs and industry:
- Awareness, information and technical capacity barriers to identify, evaluate and implement EE actions
- Commercial and market barriers to the contracting of energy service companies
- Financial barriers to the implementation of energy saving measures
So, the main aim of the EE-METAL project was to provide EU SMEs and industry with innovative technical, informational, commercial and financial tools in order for them to overcome the existing barriers that hinder the adoption of energy saving measures. Following actions have been developed:
- adapt and standardize for the MMA sector existing methods and technologies and promote their implementation in SMEs of the MMA sub-sectors targeted.
- promote the access of ESCOs to the MMA sector, with a special focus on SMEs.
- promote the development and adoption of innovative financial solutions for the implementation of energy efficiency measures in SMEs of the MMA sector.
- engage target groups and key actors at the EU level in the MMA and ESCO sectors in order to multiply the effect of the proposed measures.
• developing a Common audit methodology for determining potential energy saving measures in SMEs of the MMA sector applicable at EU level,
• adaptation of the ISO 50001 standard in companies of the metalworking sector applicable at EU level,
• creation of the Database of Best Available Techniques (BATs) applicable in the MMA sector, presenting technical solutions and possibilities to increase energy efficiency,
• realization of 81 Energy Audits, based on the methodology developed, and preparation of the “Report on the potential energy saving measures in SMEs of the metalworking sector of 4 EU countries: France, Spain, Poland and Italy”, showing the energy analysis and the identified measures of saving from the energy audits realized at sectoral level, by country and on a global scale,
• implementation and certification of the ISO 50001 system in eight metal SMEs,
• implementation of the energy monitoring system (EMS/SCADA) in four enterprise, and preparation of the Report with results of the experience,
• 166 EMS/SCADA providers been informed about the potential of metal working sector as a market,
• carrying out a study on the existing possibilities and innovative contracts for financing energy efficiency measures, analyzing the role of the ESCOs and financial products, which is reflected in the Report on Technical measures, energy service contracts and financial products for increasing energy savings in MMA SMEs,
• edition of a report gathering project results and conclusions, available for SMEs in the project website,
• conducting numerous workshops and trainings, getting:
- 114 trainers trained in the audit methodology developed and its application in metal SMEs,
- 159 SMEs professionals trained on energy management in metal SMEs,
- 177 companies participating in 4 workshops on ISO 50001 implementation and Energy Monitoring System implementation,
- 21 EMS/SCADA providers participating in 4 workshops on ISO 50001 and Energy Monitoring Systems implementation,
- 136 companies participating in 4 workshops on financial options available to undertake energy efficiency measures in SMEs of metal sector, with the organization of B2B meeting,
• one final conference per country was organized to present final results of the project, with 234 attendees,
• other general dissemination activities, as flyers, newsletters, organization and participation on conferences, project website, involving other European Metal Associations in dissemination activities, news in partners websites and social media,
• international benchmarking.
The EE-METAL project has enabled project partners to work with SMEs in the MMA sector for 3 years in a relevant, targeted and systemic way. The actions were carried out in a coherent manner and we were able to provide a complete support, very appreciated by the companies. Many of the companies audited have studied the recommendations made and have started energy efficiency projects.
We have been able to act on a large number of levers to encourage energy efficiency actions: methodologies development; audits; training of energy referents in companies; promotion of SCADA systems and energy management systems benefits; awareness raising and ongoing dialogue with decision-makers; provision of information on energy consumption to enable manufacturers to compare their position; provision of databases on the best available technologies, contacts with financial institutions and potential ESCOs partners (ESCO’s interventions in meetings, BtoB meetings, direct contact on a case-by-case basis), etc.
Information and awareness-raising actions (mainly workshops and conferences) have been crucial to develop a dynamic around energy efficiency in SMEs in the MMA sector. Through networking between ESCOs and industrial representatives and testimonies on successful projects, we have mainly reinforced the subject with a large number of companies, which is a very important step towards action. Informing and raising awareness are key actions to integrate energy efficiency into the company's priority projects.
In conclusion, this program has mainly led us to create and develop the conditions so that the SMEs have at their disposal all the information and all the means to undertake actions of energetic efficiency.
The 7 actors who worked in this project have acquired significant experience and now have tools and methods at their disposal that they will continue to use in contact with companies.