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International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2016)

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Online registration open

In order to ensure maximum participation, this deliverable will go live to ensure that the maximum participation is facilitated through on-line registration. This will also require a series of activities, including the tracking of online registration so as to facilitate other activities linked to the actual physical attendance, for example, lanyards, conference material, etc

Slogan for Conference adopted together with branding

This deliverable will develop the brand and identity for ICRI 2016. This will consist of the logo and a slogan for the event, as well as ensuring that these elements are incorporated into the design of the conference activities. This deliverable will work closely with the Program Committee to effectively design a message that will be relevant to an international audience.

Save the date communications

This will facilitate the sending of save the date communication, at regular intervals leading up to the conference. Linked to this will be the updating of the database of participants within the research infrastructure field to ensure that there is international representation at ICRI 2016.

Internal Draft website created

This task will focus on setting up of the structure of the website so that the format user-friendly, whilst at the same time able to provide the appropriate information to the various users. The draft website will add the existing documentation, such as the concept note, the program framework for ICRI 2016, and other initial logistics information. It will be discussed and supported by the ICRI program committee before it goes live.

Publication of final conference material online

This deliverable will work towards ensuring that the appropriate final material for the conference is online. This will include all final logistic and content material that will be relevant for participants, including the program, exhibitors, side events, etc.

Website updated (Program, speakers, logistic information, etc)

The website will be updated regularly, at least on a monthly basis, to provide participants will the most recent information regarding the program, speakers and other logistics.

Conference website launched

This deliverable will be instrumental in setting up the Website that is optimally designed to provide relevant information as the project progresses to a variety of stakeholders. The website will also be the platform to facilitate registration of participants to the Conference. Activities will include populating the website with details of speakers, details of country, accommodation, venue, etc. It will serve to provide the link between the progress of the preparations of the conference with key stakeholders.

Final list of exhibitors published

Based on the proposals received, a review of the expressions will be undertaken and in discussion with the program committee. This list will need to be determined through criteria that allows an international level of participation, from research infrastructures across the globe as well as across various thematic areas. A final list of exhibitors will be drafted and these would be invited to participate.

Final Conference program

This deliverable will seek to ensure that all elements that will make up the final conference program are in place. Linked to the various themes, sessions, side events as well as exhibitions, the final program will have the final list of speakers at all sessions, it will have information regarding the various venues and layout as well as provide the appropriate details for delegates attending.

First draft list of speakers agreed on

This deliverable seeks to have a final list of speakers for the various sessions of the program. As this is an international conference, this deliverable will seek to ensure that there is a wide range of international speakers secured for the various discussions as well as ensuring that there is follow-up with all other session participants, including those that will be part of the various side events as well as liaising with the offices of the high level speakers. A list of speakers will be provided.

Material for conference drafted for publishing

This deliverable will work with the Program committee in facilitating a set of key publications for the conference. This will include documents that are linked to the program, the various exhibitors, the side events as well as others for the participants to the event. This may also include logistical information regarding the conference.

Themes and structure for program defined

This task consists of a number of targeted actions, aimed at developing the final program for the Conference. This task will work closely with the Program committee in finalising the conference program, through ensuring that communication has been shared with the relevant speakers (through the website, save the date, as well as personal invitations). This deliverable will provide overall structure of the program, including the themes, the plenary sessions as well as side events and exhibition. The deliverable will ensure that attention is paid to a side event program that is also used to optimise participation from an international audience.

1st & 2nd round of invitations issued

This deliverable will focus on the sending out of invitations to a targeted international audience. This would emanate from the database and the save the date communications that would have been sent.

Conference material (program, booklet. conference bags etc) produced, printed & delivered

This task will work to ensure that the approved publications are sent to the relevant agents to be printed and developed so that it is delivered timeously for the conference.

Exhibition set up

This deliverable will be instrumental in the preparations and final set-up of the exhibition. To accomplish this task, would require that the final dimensions of the exhibition space and the layout and planning be managed in close links with the final exhibitor list. This deliverable will also liaise closely with the exhibitors to facilitate the appropriate media and other needs in ensuring a successful exhibition. In addition, a service provider will be tasked to undertake the construction of the actual exhibition space, together with the ICT provider to provide successful installation. The service provider will also need to dismantle the exhibition space once the conference ends.

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