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A novel 3D Stereoscopic e-learning SolutIon for theoretical Surgical Training

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SurgASSIST (A novel 3D Stereoscopic e-learning SolutIon for theoretical Surgical Training)

Période du rapport: 2017-05-01 au 2018-09-30

The SurgASSIST project aims to improve surgical care by changing the way surgeons are educated. The SurgASSIST
project provides an online educational program, the INCISION Academy, that uses 3D visualizations (stereoscopic
videos and animations) to teach surgical procedures step-by-step, based on state-of-the-art scientific research and bestpractice
surgical care. Surgery is a three dimensional trade and the use of 3D stereoscopic techniques creates a unique
and realistic online environment in which residents and surgeons can learn, train and be tested on best-practice based
surgical procedures and anatomy. Potential users, surgical
residents, surgical trainers, and surgeons, cope with an ever increasing workload and need tools to relieve work
pressure and improve quality. After this project, the INCISION Academy will be available as worldwide surgical
online training tool to train surgical residents with higher quality than before while saving time of surgical trainers.
In addition, the INCISION Academy provides a timesaving online alternative for continued medical education of
surgeons (CME).
The work of the project has been executed according to plan.
The consortium has functioned well.
The medical content creation work has been executed according to plan.
The online Academy in its various versions has been launched, and learning tools have been developed.
Commercial introduction has been started. In various countries we have worked with future clients and partners to gather feedback on the Academy and the functionalities.
We have achieved accreditation from the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and we have received endorsements from various European surgical societies such as ESSO, EHS and NVGIC.
The first hospital contracts have been started, and actual usage of the Academy is occurring on a daily basis.
Countries for dissemination and client introduction include: Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Turkey, India, Kenya, Ghana, South Arica, Lesotho, Indonesia, Egypt, US, UK, Portugal.
The project has achieved all it’s ambitions and in addition has laid the groundwork for large future impact.
Building on the structured approach to describing surgical procedures, work has been started to commence mapping Variations for surgical procedures in various countries and hospitals in order to better understand variances.
Furthermore, the mapping will be used to generate research around the effectiveness of Variations to surgical procedures and to the contribution of surgical execution to clinical outcomes for patients.