Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RECORDER (Rare Earth based Upconversion Luminescent Nanomaterials as novel bioprobes for the detection of cardiac biomarkers)
Reporting period: 2016-07-13 to 2018-07-12
The impact of the work done involves the importance of the particle synthesis for detection technologies. Detection of biomarkers seeks high importance and multiplexing is one of the novel aspects we could consider in future using the rare earth UCNPs, as different sensitizer/activator could be used for different emission profiles with the single 980 nm excitation source. The industrial collaborations developed during this period involve prospects of future collaboration with Centre for Process and Innovation Ltd., UK and Promethean Particles Ltd., UK who are interested in scaling up of the particles and processes and biosensing assay development for multimarker detection of various markers using our technology developed. The Fellow and Supervisor had interactions with the technologists involved and discussed the chance for commercialisation in future. Merck Co. also showed interest in our processs of UCNP based biodetection. The developmental applications including clinical trials using these particles will also be a next stage of this project, in collaboration with Leeds Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine. A competitive assay was developed for the detection of ofloxacin antibiotic as a part of trial before accepting the method for cardiac biomarker detection and was found to be successful. We have identified the importance of the nanoparticles in the area of imaging and certain procedures have been developed in order to conjugate peptides which could specifically target the thrombus site. This work is at a very early stage. But could have huge impact in the medical field. This has been done while the optimisation of different conjugation procedures to the nanoparticles have been carried out. On the basis of the results achieved in the RECORDER project, the researcher applied for BeCurious, an initiative by University of Leeds to demonstrate the challenging technologies developed at University of Leeds.