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High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BEVSTREAM (High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions)

Período documentado: 2017-03-01 hasta 2018-09-30

Hiperbaric is a Spanish Company leader in the designing, manufacturing and commercialization of High Pressure Processing (HPP) machines on an industrial scale. HPP is an innovative processing technology for many types of foods (meat, seafood, vegetables, fruit products…) with an important growing potential over the traditional techniques such as thermal pasteurization. This non-thermal process inactivates microorganisms thanks to pressures up to 600 MPa (6,000 bar or 87,000 psi), increasing food safety and shelf-life, keeping flavour, nutrients and product freshness.
Phase 1 of Bevstream project consisted of the elaboration of a feasibility report regarding a new business line to be developed by Hiperbaric for the commercialization of highly productive HPP machines for processing liquids, working under a totally innovative concept. Afterwards, through Phase 2, Hiperbaric has developed the first prototype and prepared its commercialisation, under the name of Hiperbaric Bulk. The proof of concept is validated, the industrialization plan is ready, exploitation is ensured by FTO and two patent applications that will protect the novelty, the awareness campaign has resulted very positive and the commercialisation plan is updated.
The proof of concept is validated, the industrialization plan is ready, exploitation is ensured by FTO and two patent applications that will protect the novelty, the awareness campaign has resulted very positive and the commercialisation plan is updated.
The first commercial Hiperbaric 525 Bulk or Hiperbaric 1050 Bulk, which is a machine equipped with 2 processing chambers of 525 l that could produce up to 10,000 L/h, will be in production before end of 2019. The sales of this new line of machines will significantly increase Hiperbaric’s turnover, benefit and staff, strengthening its global leadership and probably becoming the main business line of the company before 2025.
The Hiperbaric Bulk technology is a worldwide innovation for HPP processing of liquids in bulk (before bottling). Its innovative concept, patent pending, makes it possible: to reduce HPP processing cost and energy consumption, and to use any packaging design, size and material. This new machine is the most productive HPP system in the world. It is designed to fit perfectly in large production lines of beverage companies. This equipment adds onto the Hiperbaric machine range, which is the widest in the market; adopted in more than 40 countries and recognized for its quality and reliability.
The Hiperbaric Bulk line will allow Hiperbaric to deliver HPP technology to more types of liquid foods, so that fresher and healthier products at affordable cost will be available to a greater number of consumers around the world.