The Animetrics ERC Starting Grant has led to the invention of the first computer models capable of simulating in an accurate, efficient and robust manner the behavior of full textiles using a yarn-level representation. The proposed models handle frictional yarn interactions at the small scale, yet they naturally produce the rich large-scale nonlinearity of textiles. In contrast, models used in the fashion, engineering, or VFX industries nowadays, describe textiles as a continuum, and do not reach the accuracy required for validating the mechanical behavior and visual appearance of cloth.
The FabricMetrics project will develop a commercial prototype that will leverage yarn-level fabric models, and will enable digital testing of designs, utilize economic and renewable materials while achieving desired mechanical properties, or explore the design space of textiles until the desired fit, drape and flow are achieved. The project plan includes the development of the commercial prototype, testing phases, establishment of connections and alliances with potential customers (fashion schools and fashion companies), and the refinement of the current business plan.
Fields of science
Funding Scheme
ERC-POC - Proof of Concept GrantHost institution
28933 Mostoles