Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EUTIP (EU TRADE AND INVESTMENT POLICY)
Reporting period: 2019-04-01 to 2021-03-31
The successful (ESR) recruitment phase was initiated during a meeting of all PIs in Brussels in early May 2017, swiftly leading to advertising of the positions, shortlisting and interviews mostly in July 2017, and 14 ESRs in post by October 2017 (one by April 2018). The kick-off meeting in Birmingham in October 2017 with all recruited ESRs and PIs then started an intense training phase with ATC1 on trade law in Passau in December 2017, ATC2 on law and economics in Rotterdam in January 2018, ATC3 on the US perspective in Speyer in April 2018, ATC4 on the politics of EU external trade policy in Brussels in May 2018, the Birmingham conference on ‘Transatlantic perspectives’ in June 2018, and ATC5 on EU external relations law in Turin in September 2018. Moreover, project meetings were held in Passau (2017), Speyer, Birmingham (2018), Nottingham, Zurich (2019), and Paris (2020). This was complemented by the internal training activities of the beneficiaries. An additional ATC6 on outreach and dissemination in September 2019 in Brussels, a conference on Asian perspectives in November 2019 in Singapore, and the Network Conference in January 2021 (online) completed the training programme. ESRs started their secondment programmes and have completed over 40 secondments. After the recalibration of the project from TTIP-ITN to EUTIP, the ITN website evolved to a lively and interesting portal disseminating ideas. The EUTIP-ESR community actively participated in numerous academic conferences and seminars and published notes and academic papers on their areas of research. EUTIP developed a clear profile, for the ITN as a whole and for the substantive WPs 1-3. The network website includes tweets, blogs, the EUTIP Working Papers series, the EUTIP Policy Briefs series, and thematic films and evolved into a forum for the dissemination of ideas and discussion of issues related to EU trade and investment policy.