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Mobility as a Service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MyCorridor (Mobility as a Service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor)

Reporting period: 2018-12-01 to 2020-11-30

MyCorridor aimed to advance the current status by delivering a solution introducing a new concept at that time (turning to be quite popular, however, nowaydays), the so-called ‘Mobility as a Service’ (MaaS), which aims to realise the vision of seamless mobility services. In this context, the MyCorridor solution was considered from the beginning to support the MaaS concept by providing distinct features such as the development of an innovative platform and novel business schemes, introducing the Mobility Services Aggregator concept across the whole EU. In this way, MyCorridor aimed to enable a paradigm shift for car users, by driving the “vehicle world” towards MaaS. One of the basis of the MyCorridor project, from its very beginning, has been the TM2.0 platform (i.e. as an enabler of MaaS), and, therefore, the starting point in this respect, were those mobility services related to the interactive TM vision of the “vehicle world”. It, therefore, aimed to extend the current capability of TM2.0 by integrating in a single platform pan-European data sets, able to offer urban and interurban services that are multimodal, seamless, flexible, reliable, user-friendly, all-inclusive, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable. Overall, MyCorridor aimed to develop the technological & business platform to enable technologies, applications, business models, legal & operational schemes & travel behaviour adaptation & promotion strategies to facilitate sustainable travel in urban & interurban areas & across borders by replacing private vehicle ownership by private vehicle use, as just one element in an integrated/multi-modal MaaS chain. It aimed to achieve its targets through the following Objectives:
1: Integration of MaaS vehicles into a multimodal service chains platform;
2: Provision of a new business paradigm, actor & model for pan-European cross-border adoption;
3: Proof of concept of the new business model & integrated platform by selected UC’s & performance of full operational analysis & impact assessment through interconnected European corridor of Pilots.
MyCorridor achieved to develop an one-stop-shop standards abiding MaaS platform that allows, through mobile applications, travellers to experience a series of mobility, infomobility and value added services under the MaaS paradigm and service providers and other MaaS aggregators interface their services or the platforms through it in a cross-border fashion. The technical solution is supported by novel business roles and relations, promotion and inventivisation policies. Overall, 26 transportation services (including mobility, infomobility, traffic management, value added services and a hybrid trip planner encompassing individual beneficiaries trip planners), external and internal to the Consortium, have been integrated into the platform and provided to the travellers. 378 people participated in the user experience activities of MyCorridor, using the services provided, under different product configurations and in different contexts in two phases and 5 pilot sites across Europe. The findings have led to the assessment of the solution as well as the conduct of an impact assessment that reveals aspects beyond project consideration. The identified exploitable results of MyCorridor are in total 12, most of them being of TRL 7 and above and with a short time to the market, mostly 1-2 years. The MyCorridor exploitable products can be exploited either as a digital service or as a software product. The key exploitable product of the project is the one-stop-shop B2B2C MaaS platform and its front-end mobile applications that can be exploited in alternative ways. The project has had 15 publications in journals, conference proceedings and magazine articles and has participated in 39 events around Europe and overseas. In addition, it has been widely disseminated through its web site, social media and printed a series of dissemination material that has been regularly updated during the project (leaflet, poster, roll-up, videos, etc.). Finally, it has organized 3 Pan-European workshops, achieving – apart from increasing awareness on MyCorridor specific activities and outcomes – to bring together other initiatives placed in the same field and to raise key discussion items around MaaS. The project has participated and contributed in standardization activities in the field of MaaS whereas it has come up with lessons learned and application guidelines for further consideration by the MaaS community. As a conclusion, the project Consortium considers all the objectives of the project met.
The key expected project results are namely a single MaaS chain, one-stop-shop web services, tools to integrate single services to content & an optimized & adaptable UI for all travellers, new business paradigm & business actors (MaaS aggregator), holistic MaaS services provided locally and cross-border with flexible business schemes and a legally abiding, operationally functional & fully viable MaaS platform throughout Europe. Key MyCorridor innovations lie in MaaS implementation (Mechanism development to support driver participation in a multimodal token based trip chain); Market place & business models (connects multimodal services to MaaS, by enabling service providers’ collaboration & introducing new payment schemes (Mobility Token)); Policy (Supports ITS Directive (40/2010) priorities, expanding TM2.0 to multimodal trips & MaaS (towards TM2.1)); Citizen QoL (One-stop-shop to allow ALL citizens realise MaaS-based travel around Europe in a cheaper, comfortable & environmental friendly way). Out of the extensive impact analysis conducted, it can be concluded that MyCorridor has the potential:
- To reduce the overall number of trips equating to a -55% in the overall amount of trips with respect to the baseline situation;
- To deliver a modal shift in favour of bus and cycling modes represented by 15% and 10% increases in the use of bus and cycling modes respectively;
- To increase the number of multimodal trips, i.e. +6% increase in the number of multimodal trips with respect to the baseline situation;
- To result in a minor positive change in attitude toward the use of shared mobility options based on the results of Likert-type questions to travellers.

The modal shift implied translates in an increase in customer numbers and bike sharing modes. Still, a worsening of the overall accessibility to transport services (i.e. bus, rail) perceived by MyCorridor users was estimated, which may have been triggered by the current pandemic situation, whilst negative to negligible impacts for individual total travel time (+5% compared to the baseline) and travel cost (+18% compared to the baseline equating to +6 min delay experienced by travellers by average compared to baseline) were estimated. A significant reduction in CO2 emissions from road-based transport activity (-23%) was also revealed. Concerns around data sharing and interoperability, and lack of national / local political support were seen as the most relevant barriers to impact. Policy was most necessary for equitable and standardised data sharing and governance. While MaaS can support the COVID-19 recovery by providing travellers with new types of information (e.g. crowding / social distancing), it can be assumed that the pandemic may offer a significant opportunity for MaaS to enter and reshape travel.
MyC's 3rd Plenary meeting - Newcastle, May 2018
MyCorridor one-stop-shop (MyOSS) home page, as being described in D5.2.
Illustration of the use cases within the MyCorridor project
MyC Partner IRU presenting at the ITS World Congress - Montreal, October 2017
MyC Partenr IRU presenting at the poster session of Mobility4EU conference - Brussels, November 2018
Illustration of the MyCorridor project timeline
MyCorridor one-stop-shop (MyOSS) main menu, as being described in D5.2.
MyCorridor's depiction of the world with MaaS
MyC Coordinator UNEW presenting at the ITS World Congress - Copenhagen, September 2018
MyC Partner MAPtm presenting at the IRU Taxi Forum - Koln, November 2018
Developing the Innovation Radar for MyCorridor at the MyC Workshop - Rhodes, October 2018
The MaaS projects Cluster meeting - Rome, October 2018
MyCorridor project's logo
MyC Stakeholder Workshop - Rome, November 2018
MyCorridor complies with the MaaS Alliance API design guidelines