Periodic Reporting for period 4 - No-LIMIT (Boosting Photovoltaic Performance by the Synergistic Interaction of Halide Perovskites and Semiconductor Quantum Dots)
Période du rapport: 2022-03-01 au 2023-02-28
One of the aspects analyzed in No-LIMIT was the preparation of benchmark PSCs with 20% efficiency. Properties of perovskite solar cells can be also managed by the addition of innovative conjugated bulky cations as anilinium or dipropylammonium.
Facing the future commercialization of this technology we have analyzed by life cycle assessments of alternative configurations, using carbon contacts, and fabrication processes as the fast infrared annealing and comparing with other photovoltaic technologies.
The use of Pb-free system was also studied for both thin films and QDs preparing Sn-PSCs with record stability.
We have developed a new methodology for the characterization of PSCs outdoors.
The working principles of PSCs have been investigated in detail by impedance spectroscopy (IS) obtaining the equivalent circuit for PSCs.
The first objective of the No-LIMIT project is the determination and modelling of the unique properties of halide perovskite and semiconductor QDs from theoretical and experimental points of view. We consider that this objective have accomplished. We have observed that HP films with embedded PbS QDs in small concentration improves the performance of the perovskite solar cells. We observed that higher concentration of PbS QDs can be embedded in FAPbI3 (FA=formamidinium) with an increase in solar cells performance and significantly longer solar cells stability.
Beyond the study of PbS QDs, we have also analyzed the preparation of perovskite QDs and the analysis of their properties, specially photoluminescence (PL) as high PL quantum yield (PLQY) is a clear indicator of low nonradiative recombination.
It is very important to highlight that the results obtained, allowed the improvement of performance of optoelectronic devices beyond PSCs as LEDs, white LED, light amplifiers, and lasers.
Finally, comment that I was strongly involved in the organization of international conferences in the field that allowed to share the results of the NO-LIMIT project with research community. The results of No-LIMIT were also disseminated in more of 20 invited contribution of the PI in this most important conferences of the field, and also in many other invited, oral and poster contributions of all the group members. The PI has been also invited to different interviews (TV, radio, press) and talks to disseminate his research to a non-academic public.
Moreover the new methodologies developed, the equivalent circuit for impedance spectroscopy analysis and the high-throughput outdoors analysis also introduced a significant evolution in the state-of-the-art for impedance and outdoors characterization, helping the community to a better understanding of PSC devices in a broad range of configurations and working conditions. In conclusion, this project has shown the enormous potential of synergetic interaction of halide perovskite with other systems as materials taking advantage of the its soft nature clearly highlighted in this project in the interaction perovskite/quantum dot. At the same time specific characterization methodologies considering the especial properties of halide perovskites will allow a faster and more precise and understandable analysis of these materials and devices.