Periodic Reporting for period 4 - Vis-a-Vis (Collective Infectious Units and the Social Evolution of Viruses)
Reporting period: 2021-11-01 to 2022-04-30
We have demonstrated and characterized the process by which collective infectious units arise from free virions in a model virus (vesicular stomatitis virus), and found that this process is triggered by saliva, a natural dissemination pathway for this and other viruses.
We have unraveled the genetic basis of viral encapsulation in lipid microvesicles in an enterovirus, which should stimulate research on the association between viral replication and cellular membranes.
We have also demonstrated the Allee effect in a virus. This effect consists of a positive relationship between the number of viral genomes that initiate infection and the per-capita reproduction rate of the virus. The Allee effect is a well-known concept in ecology, but it has never been applied to viruses.
We have shown that viral replication is an inherently cooperative process, a finding of great generality and with long-term implications in virology.