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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-04-19

General-Purpose MIMD Machines II


Two CS-2 systems will be installed at CERN and CERFACS. They will be used by a large number of users from the High Energy Physics community as well as from a number of European weather and climate centres both for scientific code development and for installation of production codes.

The focus of the activities at CERN will be the porting of large scalar programs to the CS-2, the development of new scientific applications, requiring high performance computing and input/output, and the migration of current applications to a Oracle CS-2 system.

CERFACS activities wil focus on climate and meteorological modelling, that currently runs on traditional supercomputers, and migrating them to a vector based CS-2.

As part of the user support activities of system suppliers, important system software components will be provided for testing and integration within the environment. These components include a checkpointing system, an automated task scheduling system, a hierarchical storage management system, the OSF Distributed Computing Environment and network performance analysis tools.


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Participantes (11)