I aim to progress substantially the understanding and applications of extremely non-wetting surfaces, tying together basic research and attractive technological advancements. The first part focuses on robust synthesis methods for superslippery liquid-repellent (SS-LR) surfaces. Furthermore, using new types of ultrasensitive force measurement for droplets, I will investigate in depth the dissipation dynamics of mobile water droplets and adhesion of droplets to surfaces, to promote understanding on low-friction surfaces. The second part aims at applying these SS-LR surfaces in droplet actuation with potential to outperform existing technologies. Additionally, the potential of SS-LR surfaces for anti-icing and for preventing bio-fouling will be investigated. The research results will have a major impact on liquid-repellent technology and will explore the fundamental physical limits of non-wetting.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
ERC-COG - Consolidator GrantInstitution d’accueil
02150 Espoo