Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SIRMIO (Small animal proton Irradiator for Research in Molecular Image-guided radiation-Oncology)
Reporting period: 2021-02-01 to 2022-12-31
Understanding radiation response in tumour and normal tissue models mimicking clinical scenarios is key for investigating new therapeutic approaches and support their translation into next generation of radio-oncological treatments. Small animal radiation research can unravel complex radiation damage mechanisms and assess the efficacy of novel therapeutic strategies. However, a main challenge is to precisely target tiny structures of small animals.
For the widely established X-rays, several small animal RT platforms were recently developed and commercialized. Conversely, especially at the time of the project proposal and its beginning, such platforms did not exist for protons, despite the increasing adoption of proton RT due to its superior ability to target the tumour and spare normal tissue. Although meanwhile a few small animal proton irradiators were developed at selected centres, they are typically limited to X-ray based anatomical image guidance, which introduces additional uncertainties for proton irradiation, challenging precise dose targeting in small animals. Moreover, they only employ passive beam delivery, which compromises the achievable beam quality, produces many undesired secondary neutrons close to the irradiated target and is progressively phased out in clinical practice.
SIRMIO aimed at filling this research gap by realizing and showcasing an innovative portable system to enable precision image-guided small animal proton irradiation at existing beamlines of clinical proton therapy facilities. The modular SIRMIO system realized within the project combines a dedicated beamline for precise dose application with advanced solutions specific to proton RT for image guidance and in-situ in-vivo verification of the actual treatment delivery.
In the recently concluded experiments at the Danish Centre for Particle Therapy (DCPT), we could show the ability of the SIRMIO system to degrade and focus the incoming clinical proton beam with the lowest energy of 70 MeV and perform precision, image-guided delivery to homogenous and heterogeneous, mice-mimicking phantoms. For image guidance, proton radiography and tomography was successfully deployed and compared to prior X-ray cone beam computed tomography from an X-ray irradiator, while on-line monitoring of the treatment delivery was achieved with our dedicated in-beam PET scanner.
The objectives of the project could be fulfilled and future work will aim at automation/acceleration of the entire workflow of image-guided planning and delivery. The unique features of the newly developed system will pave the way to a new class of small animal experiments which we are currently planning with biologists. The project contributed to 38 BSc/MSc/PhD thesis (30 already completed) and over 50 contributions of peer reviewed papers and presentations at national and international conferences (with a few publications still in the pipeline). Moreover, we are currently exploring patenting and technology transfer possibilities with commercial key players in small animal radiation research. This has the twofold purpose to make the SIRMIO technologies available to more centres for advancing precision image-guided proton irradiation, as well as to explore possible application of some developments in the broader field of small animal irradiation with different beam qualities. Finally, the SIRMIO in-beam PET scanner will also serve as the key detector for in-vivo investigations with radioactive ion beams in the framework of another ERC project (BARB, grant agreement 883425, PI Prof. Marco Durante from GSI Darmstadt).