Periodic Reporting for period 4 - EcoLipid (Ecophysiology of membrane lipid remodelling in marine bacteria)
Reporting period: 2021-10-01 to 2023-03-31
The overall aim of this project is to use a synthesis of molecular biology, microbial physiology, and "omics" approaches to reveal the fitness trade-offs of lipid remodelling in marine heterotrophic bacteria, providing novel insights into the ecophysiology of lipid remodelling and its consequences for marine nutrient cycling. The project is further divided into three main work packages.
1) Obtaining a fundamental understanding of whole cell responses to lipid remodelling using comparative “omics” approaches.
2) Mechanistic insight into lipid remodelling and its impact on membrane composition and transporter activities.
3) lipid remodelling in marine heterotrophic bacteria and interaction with protists grazers and bacterial phages
1) Using Ruegeria pomeroyi as the model, we systematically uncovered the cellular response of lipid remodelling using comparative proteomics and lipidomics (Smith et al., 2019, Silvano et al., 2020). We also identified a novel sulfur-containning lipids in this bacterium and studied its role in the adaptation to phosphorus stress (Smith et al., 2023).
2) We successfully generated several mutants, including plcP, olsAB, glsB and systematically characterised their role in membrane lipid remodelling. As we hypothesised, membrane lipid remodelling does impact not only membrane protein composition but also affect transporter activities (Stirrup et al., 2023)
3) We successfully isolated several bacterial phages which infect marine heterotrophs. Two of the phages infecting strain DSS-3 have unexpected DNA substitution from thymidine by deoxyuridine (dU) (Branko et al. 2021). We successfully obtained several eukaryotes and managed to maintain and grow them successfully in the laboratory. We uncovered a trade-off mechanism of lipid remodelling in interaction of lipid remodelled cells with their predators (Guillonneau et al., 2021).