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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Knowledge in the making in the European society

Resultado final

Report on databases enhancement and tagging

This report will present in detail the enhancements on three existing databases on which KNOWMAK will ground (publications, projects, patents) and particularly the outcome of the state of tagging process concerning ontology, actors and geography. Specific bottlenecks and issues which need to be solved will also be highlighted.

Report on actors’ harmonization, final

This deliverable will extend D5.1 in two directions: covering also the harmonization of actors involved in social innovation projects and of lead users; refining the actor’s harmonization methodologies based on the experiences made in KNOWMAK. The report will also discuss critical issues which should be addressed in the future in order to extent further the level of harmonization.

Final impact monitoring report

This deliverable will report on the outcome of the user testing of the full KNOWMAK tool. It will provide an evaluation of the usability of the tool and of the user satisfaction. This deliverable might lead to some final adaptation of the tool; it will be also an important reference for the future development of the service, for marketing and dissemination.

Report on social innovation projects

This deliverable with the critical issue of how to identify from documentary sources the relevant social innovation projects (M18); this deliverable will be the basis of the construction of the database of social innovation projects and related actors. It will specifically highlight the value of different data sources, search strategies and inclusion/exclusion criteria for the relevant social innovation projects.

Report on the data structure

This deliverable will provide a detailed description of the data model, as well as of all technical specifications needed in order to implement the pilot database. The data structure will be refined subsequently based on the experience of usage. The data structure will also provide guidance on how to develop the user interfaces and visualization tools.

KNOWMAK handbook draft

The handbook will be a key document storing in one place all methodological choices of the KNOWMAK project, in order to allow for its future maintenance. A first full release will be provided by M18 together with the launch of the pilot tool.

Pilot testing event report

In this deliverable, live reports of user experiences will be provided in the form of a blog for user comments and user testimonials on the value of the tool. Such information will also critical for dissemination purposes.

Report on dissemination activities

This deliverable will present the outcome of the dissemination activities, including a summary of activities, measures of their outreach and of their impact on the usage of the tool. Recommendations will be presented for future dissemination of the service in the exploitation phase.

Report on ontologies and tagging

This report will cover two main items: the structure and content of the ontology developed in WP2 and the methods and tools which will be applied by the consortium members to tag data the three classical data sources in KNOWMAK (publications, patents, projects). This report and the related methods will be therefore a core input for WP3 activities.

Report on databases, extended version

This report will present the final changes on the three databases and the outcome of the tagging process, specifically based on the extend ontology system released at M21 and on the full list of actors (including also non-conventional actors and lead users identified in WP4).

Report on ontologies and tagging, extended

This deliverable will follow and extend D2.2 in two directions: first, a refined and extended version of the ontology and related vocabulary will be provided; second, the methods for tagging will be refined and extended to the two new data sources concerning social innovation projects and influential users. This deliverable will be therefore the basis for final tagging in WP3 and WP4.

Report on actors’ harmonization, draft

This deliverable will present the approach chosen and the methodology for the creation of a common list of actors across all KNOWMAK data sources and detailed the techniques for the creation of the list. A preliminary list of actors will also be provided.

Influential users database and report

This deliverable will include a methodological report explaining how influential users have been identified (sources, search strategies, selection criteria and a database of users characterized by geolocation information and other metadata, like followers, activity, etc.

Final KNOWMAK handbook

The KNOWMAK handbook will be updated as a running document during the course of the project and delivered as a final document at the end of the project. D6.6 will therefore be a key deliverable for the hand-over of the KNOWMAK tool to the exploitation phase.

First impact monitoring report

This deliverable will report on the outcome of the user testing of the pilot. Besides usual metrics for user satisfaction and the evaluation of usability, it will provide recommendations on key improvements on the tool and interface to be made for the final release.

Full website and visualisation environment

This deliverable will include a final release of the KNWOMAK website including full functionalities and visualization tools for end users, as well as access to indicators from all five data sources.

Pilot website and visualisation environment

This deliverable will include a pilot release of the KNWOMAK website including a (restricted) number of functionalities and visualization tools for end users. The website will provide access to the pilot database covering three sources of data (publications, patents, projects).

Infographics poster

For reasons of dissemination and promotion of our main output, it makes sense to present visualisation screenshots and exemplary findings drawn from KNOWMAK data in written form on an infographics poster. This will allow us to present our work on conferences like ESOF, etc. and can also be used as a backdrop in project events.

Blog entry with standardized views and results

This deliverable will provide a word press blog describing the main features of the KNOWMAK visualisation environment, including screenshots of selected views. It will help to disseminate and exploit our tool, allowing us to be visible in a variety of audiences. The text will be adjusted to the respective audiences (data visualisation, science policy, etc.)

Database of key documents

This database will contain a set of documents retrieved from different sources which will be used for the development of ontologies on societal grand challenges and key enabling technologies, following the approach detailed in task 2.1. A target of around 100 documents is set.

Extended database of key documents

This deliverable will follow D2.1 by extending the set of documents through searching for more documents that define “societal challenges” and “emerging technologies” from the open web, using text engineering methods on the basis of the similarity to the initial set of documents identified manually. Extension will take into consideration specific issues revealed by ontology usage, like the need of an extended vocabulary for some of the ontology terms.

First indicator list and methodology

This deliverable will have two components: first, a first list of indicators which will provided by the KNOWMAK tool, based on conceptual reasoning and interaction between the user groups; second, detailed methodological guidance on how the indicator scores will be extracted from the raw data available in KNOWMAK.

Report and online descriptions of usage scenarios

This deliverable will be a central input for early involvement of users: it will include a full description of a set of user scenarios, in terms of target users, goals, required information and interaction model with the tool. These scenarios will also be provided through an on-line interface in order to be tested by user groups.

Final indicator list

The list of indicators provided in D5.2 will be extended and refined in three directions: including also a set of indicators on social innovation and user attention; extending and adapting the indicators’ list based on the feedback of the users; refining the methodology for the calculation of scores and dealing with reliability and robustness issues which emerged from the pilot.


Ontologies as bridges between data sources and user queries: the KNOWMAK project experience

Autores: Diana Maynard and Benedetto Lepori
Publicado en: Proceedings of Science, Technology and Innovation indicators 2017, 2017
Editor: UPEM

Towards an Infrastructure for Understanding and Interlinking Knowledge Co-Creation in European Research

Autores: Diana Maynard, Adam Funk, Benedetto Lepori
Publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of ESWC 2017 Workshop on Scientometrics), 2017
Editor: Springer

The spatial distribution of knowledge production in Europe. Evidence from KET and SGC

Autores: Benedetto Lepori, Philippe Larédo, Thomas Scherngell, Massimiliano Guerini
Publicado en: ISSI 2019 Conference Proceedings, 2019, Página(s) 685-690
Editor: ISSI Society
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3451868

From web crawled text to project descriptions: automatic summarizing of social innovation projects

Autores: Milosevic, Nikola; Marinov, Dimitar; Gok, Abdullah; Nenadic, Goran
Publicado en: International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Edición 1, 2019, Página(s) 157-169
Editor: Springer.

RISIS-KNOWMAK – A new tool for exploring knowledge production in the ERA

Autores: Lepori, Benedetto; Larédo, Philippe
Publicado en: Edición 5, 2020
Editor: RISIS
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3750922

Adapted TextRank for Term Extraction: A Generic Method of Improving Automatic Term Extraction Algorithms

Autores: Ziqi Zhang, Johann Petrak, Diana Maynard
Publicado en: Procedia Computer Science, Edición 137, 2018, Página(s) 102-108, ISSN 1877-0509
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2018.09.010

From Web Crawled Text to Project Descriptions: Automatic Summarizing of Social Innovation Projects

Autores: Nikola Milošević, Dimitar Marinov, Abdullah Gök, Goran Nenadić
Publicado en: Natural Language Processing and Information Systems - 24th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2019, Salford, UK, June 26–28, 2019, Proceedings, Edición 11608, 2019, Página(s) 157-169, ISBN 978-3-030-23280-1
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23281-8_13

Classification of Intangible Social Innovation Concepts

Autores: Nikola Milosevic, Abdullah Gok, Goran Nenadic
Publicado en: Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Edición 10859, 2018, Página(s) 407-418, ISBN 978-3-319-91946-1
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91947-8_42

Using ontologies to map between research data and policymakers' presumptions. The experience of the KNOWMAK project

Autores: Maynard, Diana; Lepori, Benedetto; Larédo, Philippe
Publicado en: Edición 4, 2020
Editor: RISIS
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3750928

KNOWMAK project. User handbook

Autores: Scherngell, Thomas; Zahradnik, Georg; Barber, Michael; Bilalli Shkodra, Xeneta
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2020
Editor: RISIS
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3750951

Exploring Knoweldge Production in Europe. The RISIS-KNOWMAK tool

Autores: Lepori Benedetto; Scherngell Thomas; Larédo Philippe; Guerini Massimiliano
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2020
Editor: RISIS
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3746455

KNOWledge in the MAKing in European Society. Final report

Autores: Lepori, Benedetto
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2020
Editor: RISIS
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3750945

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