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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe


Short report III summarising the work in progress

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 18 highlighting the main achievements, delays and deviations of the project.

Synthesis report on the organised knowledge on innovations acquired in each country

The information collected in individual farms will be organised and acquire an added value that can be worthwhile for a large group of farms. The final outputs and all material will be placed on national Wikimedia sites, translated in English and transferred to WP4.

Short report I summarising the work in progress

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 06 highlighting the main achievements, delays and deviations of the project.

Annual report 2 of innovation meetings “Practice and Science meet”

"An annual report will be established in month 27 of the innovative meetings ""Practice and Science meet""."

Minutes of GPA meeting 3

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 16 containing the minutes of the GPA meeting 3.

Material to be transferred to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course)

All relevant grassland material will be transferred into the Massive Open Online Course; this will make it available for all people to access and read.

Advice and ranking of the most effective grassland tools to use for a grassland system

Stakeholders will receive advice and a ranking of the most effective grassland management tools for use in grassland systems. This will ensure that stakeholders are using the more effective tools in managing their grassland systems.

Best practice report: Document describing experiences made and recommendations for best practices for Facilitator Agents

A best parctice report will be established, describing experiences made and recommendations for best practices for Facilitator Agents.

Short report II summarising the work in progress

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 12 highlighting the main achievements, delays and deviations of the project.

List of descriptors and indicators to be used for running the characterisation of farms and case studies

It is always difficult to describe a farming systems and it is compulsory to have a limited number of key descriptors and indicators and to ensure that everyone in the project is using the same set. It is a way to ensure that the collected information of a given case study will be relevant for the whole project.

Minutes of GPA meeting 1

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 04 containing the minutes of the GPA meeting 1.

Minutes of GPA meetings 5

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 28 containing the minutes of the GPA meeting 5.

Inventory of innovation brokering systems in Europe that are active on grassland or have the potential to be active on grassland

A technical note will be established in month 12.

Minutes of GPA meeting 6 and minutes of Grassland Innovation Advisory Board Meeting 3

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 34 containing the minutes of the GPA meeting 6 and Grassland Innovation Advisory Board meeting 3.

Specific grassland syllabus and power point presentations available for young farmers and advisors

D5.3.1 Syllabus (200 pages): 1 per country translated in 7 national languages D5.3.2 Power points (300 slides): 4 per country translated in 7 national languages A grassland and power point presentations will be made available for young farmers and advisors, this means that a common syllabus will be used across the member states. The syllabus will be translated into the member states language.

Report on case studies for each country, consisting of 10-15 three-page descriptions of each farm and their innovations

On the basis of farmers’ interview, outstanding innovative farms (= case studies) will be identified. Their practices and production systems will be described. The report will also describe their main innovations, their implementation, results, constraints and achievements.

Short report IV summarising the work in progress

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 24 highlighting the main achievements, delays and deviations of the project.

Report of interviews on grassland innovations for each country consisting of 20-30 one-page portraits

Farmers will be chosen in the main farm types of the different countries (dairy, beef & sheep) and selected because they are leaders at innovation (they develop ideas and bring them to fruition).

Report for sustainable implementation of the Network

A report will be compiled describing a suggestion for carrying the network beyond the project term.

Short report VI summarising the work in progress

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 36 highlighting the main achievements, delays and deviations of the project.

Demand-driven research agenda for increased productivity and sustainability for European Productive Grasslands

A technical note will be established in month 36.

Short report V summarising the work in progress

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 30 highlighting the main achievements, delays and deviations of the project.

Minutes of GPA meeting 2 and minutes of Grassland Innovation Advisory Board Meeting 1

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 10 containing the minutes of the GPA meeting 2 and Innovation Advisory Board meeting 1.

Minutes of GPA meeting 4 and minutes of Grassland Innovation Advisory Board Meeting 2

A report will be drafted and submitted at month 22 containing the minutes of the GPA meeting 4 and Innovation Advisory Board meeting 2

Annual report 1 of innovation meetings “Practice and Science meet”

"An annual report will be established in month 15 of the innovative meetings ""Practice and Science meet""."

Report on drivers for innovation and barriers to innovation in grasslands

A report will be established in month 18 on drivers for innovation and barriers to innovation in grassland.

Annual report 3 of innovation meetings “Practice and Science meet”

"An annual report will be established in month 36 of the innovative meetings ""Practice and Science meet""."

Project Website

A dedicated project website will provide all information for the project partners as well as the wide public. All project relevant events such as conferences, events, field visits etc. will be published there.

Set of public relation/project promotion material for the Inno4Grass Network including at least 3500 flyers available in the national languages of the partners involved (seven different languages covering all partner countries involved)

For dissemination for the project and its results a set of at least 3500 flyers will be made available in the seven different national langueges of the partners involved.

48 technical leaflets (6 per country) and 104 videos (13 per country)

Technical leaflets will a synthesis of each innovative practice and production system. Videos clips will be either farm portraits emphasising their innovations or presentations of individual innovations.

Hands-on training material

D5.7.1 Technical leaflets (six per country, 48 in total) on best practices. D5.7.2 Video clips on innovative farmers testimony or innovative practices (13 per country, 104 in total). D5.7.3 Upgraded versions of decision support systems for a better estimation of grassland DM production and better decisions by farmers. D5.7.4 Identification of grassland parameters and tools most useful for farmers A number of technical leaflets, video clips and decision support systems will be generated form this deliverable. This will ensure that the information and knowledge generated and collected in the Work package will be presented in a format suitable for dissemination to all stakeholders.

In total 100 practice abstracts and associated materials translated into the 7 working languages of the consortium

Similar to D29, but including a translation into the 7 languages of the consortium. This material will be transferred to the national grassland associations, in order to maximise the impact for the national farmers.

Updated versions of Encyclopedia pratensis including information from farmers groups (M24)

Encyclopedia pratensis is a website created in a previous EU project. Knowledge built by the farmers groups will be used to enrich this existing system.

100 practice abstracts and associated materials to be downloaded in English onto the EIP-AGRI service point (Complete set of practice abstracts)

"The scanning of the various case studies will lead to the identification and description of 100 grassland management practices, considered to be the most innovative according to the consortium. For these practices, an abstract will be prepared and associated materials (video clips, powerpoint presentation, sheets,…) will be produced. In this deliverable, they will be produced in English to be downloaded in English onto the EIP-Agri service point. The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible end-user material from this project should feed into the EIP-AGRI website for broad dissemination. The end-user material to be produced contains a substantial number of outcomes/recommendations for practitioners in the EIP common format. This includes the characteristics of the project (in particular e.g. contact details of partners, etc) and"" practice abstracts"". A full package of practice abstracts is needed for the project, containing all the outcomes/recommendations which are ready for practice. A ""practice abstract"" is a short summary of around 1000-1500 characters (word count – no spaces; see below) which describes a main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. The guidance and format (Excel) to be followed for these practice abstracts, as well as some explanatory text is available on the EIP-AGRI web site ( • Short summary for practitioners (1000-1500 characters, word count – no spaces). This summary should at least contain the following information: − Main results/outcomes of the activity (expected or final) − The main practical recommendation(s): what would be the main added value/benefit/opportunities to the end-user if the generated knowledge is implemented? How can the practitioner make use of the results? This summary should be presented as interesting as possible for farmers/end-users, using a direct and easy understandable language and pointing out entrepreneurial elements which are particularly relevant and attractive for practitioners (e.g. related to costs, application methods etc). Research oriented aspects or summaries of the project activities which do not help the understanding of the practice itself should be avoided. "

Updated versions of Encyclopedia pratensis including information from farmers groups (M36)

Encyclopedia pratensis is a website created in a previous EU project. Knowledge built by the farmers groups will be used to enrich this existing system.

Identification of grassland parameters most useful for farmers and dissemination through Twitter/Facebook

To better reach the farmers with information related to grasslands, it is important to identify the traits (parameters) they are looking for and how they try to get access to it on social networks. Once this is known, it is easy to inject the new information under the right format in the right pipelines.

Set of 5 sample practice abstracts and associated materials to be downloaded in English onto the EIP-AGRI service point (First set of practice abstracts)

"In the end of the project, the scanning of the various case studies will lead to the identification and description of 100 grassland management practices, considered to be the most innovative according to the consortium. However, in M18 a set of 5 sample practice abstracts will be compiled. For these practices, an abstract will be prepared and associated materials (video clips, powerpoint presentation, sheets,…) will be produced. In this deliverable, they will be produced in English to be downloaded in English onto the EIP-Agri service point. The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible end-user material from this project should feed into the EIP-AGRI website for broad dissemination. The end-user material to be produced contains a substantial number of outcomes/recommendations for practitioners in the EIP common format. This includes the characteristics of the project (in particular e.g. contact details of partners, etc) and"" practice abstracts"". A full package of practice abstracts is needed for the project, containing all the outcomes/recommendations which are ready for practice. A ""practice abstract"" is a short summary of around 1000-1500 characters (word count – no spaces; see below) which describes a main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. The guidance and format (Excel) to be followed for these practice abstracts, as well as some explanatory text is available on the EIP-AGRI web site ( • Short summary for practitioners (1000-1500 characters, word count – no spaces). This summary should at least contain the following information: − Main results/outcomes of the activity (expected or final) − The main practical recommendation(s): what would be the main added value/benefit/opportunities to the end-user if the generated knowledge is implemented? How can the practitioner make use of the results? This summary should be presented as interesting as possible for farmers/end-users, using a direct and easy understandable language and pointing out entrepreneurial elements which are particularly relevant and attractive for practitioners (e.g. related to costs, application methods etc). Research oriented aspects or summaries of the project activities which do not help the understanding of the practice itself should be avoided. "

Within the Inno4Grass website – one stop shop for grassland tools/methods for grazing management supports

Inno4Grass will be a website that has all the grassland tools and supports available for grassland practitioners. Stakeholders will be able to access grassland tools from the website and use them directly in the work whether farming, research or education.

Identification of the IMS to be used for storing the description of farms and for calculating the indicators of performances and IT programming for on-farm data collection

A single information system will be identified where all data will be stored. All those who will described farms will download the data of their case studies onto this information system and will be allowed to upload information from the whole project.

Inno4Grass Award Ceremony for 8 farmers during second GPA meeting

Grassland awards will be established as part of this deliverable and outstanding grassland farmers will be rewarded for their efforts in promoting excellence in grassland management.

Upgraded versions of decision support systems for a better estimation of grassland DM production and better decisions by farmers

Several decision support systems are available in Europe regarding grassland management and most use the DM production as a key element. Various prediction models are available for DM production, with different precisions, especially because of the range of soil and climate conditions that can be met across Europe.A synthesis will be made of existing tools, with a precise description of strengths and weaknesses and their domain of optimal utilization. They will also be made easily accessible through the right links. We will not upgrade them as for most of them they were not developed by members of our consortium.

Working grassland visiting program, that young people progressing in grassland can use to acquire an increased understanding and knowledge of the area and verified with three secondments

A visiting grassland network will be established whereby young people wanting to gain more knowledge in grassland can be facilitated to achieve this. A number of visiting periods will be set up between organisations to facilitate this deliverable.

Adapted method for cognitive mapping of production systems

The idea is to represent through ‘simple’ matrix the combination of the grassland-management practices used by farmers and to identify the most valuable and the most frequent combinations. This is based upon the graph theory.


Towards sustainable European grassland farming with Inno4Grass: an infrastructure for innovation and knowledge sharing

Auteurs: Krause A., Becker T., Feindt, P.H., Huyghe C., O'Donovan M., Peeters A. and Van den Pol-van Dasselaar, A.
Publié dans: Grassland Science in Europe, Numéro 23, 2018, Page(s) 925-936, ISBN 978-1-84170-643-6
Éditeur: The Organising Committee of the 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Teagasc, Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe

Auteurs: Golinski, P.; Pol, van den, A.; Golinska, B.; Paszkowski, A.; Nilsdotter-Linde, N.; O'Donovan, M.; Porqueddu, C.; Czerwińska, A.; Delaite, B.; Bauer, A.; Florian, C.; Baste, F.; Fradin, J.; Gauder, P.; Kort, de, H.; Krause, A.
Publié dans: Grassland Science in Europe, Numéro 23, 2018, Page(s) 983-985, ISBN 978-1-84170-643-6
Éditeur: The Organising Committee of the 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Teagasc, Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland.

Inno4Grass - Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe

Publié dans: 1st European Symposium on Livestock Farming in Mountain Areas. Book of abstracts. 20-22.06.2018. Bozen-Bolzano 2018., 2018, Page(s) 91
Éditeur: Freie Universität Bozen-Bolzano, EURAC Research, EAAP, Università degli Studi di Udine, FIBL Switzerland

A method for a comprehensive analysis of grassland innovations

Publié dans: 1st European Symposium on Livestock Farming in Mountain Areas. Book of abstracts. 20-22.06.2018. Bozen-Bolzano 2018., 2018, Page(s) 89
Éditeur: Freie Universität Bozen-Bolzano, EURAC Research, EAAP, Università degli Studi di Udine, FIBL Switzerland

Systèmes herbagers - Plus de lien entre la recherche et le terrain grâce au projet Inno4grass

Auteurs: Terre-net Média
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Terre-net Média

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