Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EURASTIP (Promoting Multi-Stakeholder Contributions to International Cooperation on Sustainable Solutions for Aquaculture Development in South-East Asia)
Reporting period: 2018-07-01 to 2019-12-31
Modern commercial aquaculture is largely indebted to processes and technologies that were developed or perfected in Europe yet Asia is by far the largest aquaculture production region. While European aquaculture has had to respond to many demands on environmental, food safety and consumer-related issues, the rapid growth of aquaculture poses serious challenges to Asia in terms of sustainability, social equity and suitable technologies.
The core objective of the EURASTIP project is to evaluate scope for an international multi- stakeholder platform which will provide a new mechanism to create and reinforce international cooperation on sustainable aquaculture between Europe and se-Asia. The EU has many successful examples, notably with the European Technology Platforms. Such structures do not exist in Asia. Thus, the first prerequisite for successful cooperation between Europe and Asia is providing the structural support in Asia to allow dialogue between the industry and relevant stakeholders at both the national and international levels.
To achieve this, the specific objectives are:
Facilitate the creation of and provide support for National pilot multi-stakeholder platforms in 3 states that are active in aquaculture in SE Asia
Develop and provide the networking required for the promotion of partnerships between industrial players
Identify, agree and address the topics relating to common standards for planning and operation of
sustainable aquaculture, including planning, health and welfare, food safety and governance
Reinforce professional skills and competences in industry and research
Ensure dissemination of activity and assess consequent policy impact
Provide recommendations for establishing an international multi-stakeholder platform
• Seven key TOR for NPP development identified
• Undertaken mapping of stakeholder interactions in partner countries
• Completed initial roadmap models for NPPs and a 360 review exercise at project end providing recommendations and roadmap for continuation, expansion and development.
• Established three stakeholder databases categorising the aquaculture sectors in partner countries
• NPPs are developing and prioritising their own national SRIA agendas whilst continuing to promote and develop the domestic legitimacy and ownership of their platforms.
Trade, Social Sustainability and Inclusion
- Reports have been published relating to trade, certification and inclusion models in south east Asian / European aquaculture.
Capacity Building, Alignment and Training Survey
• A report on results of a training survey, the development of open education training materials and online portal.
• The Alignment Workshop Report highlights key insights from both Europe and south-east Asia into educational structures, challenges and development of education in aquaculture with a particular focus to innovation and mobility.
• Capacity Building Workshops:.Three EURASTiP Capacity Building workshops brought together 150 participants from 28 different countries.
EURASTiP Exchange Programme
To maximise collaboration and strategic partnership, 4 calls totalling 54 funded exchanges took place, with work packages 2&4 having combined resources proved to be a very popular and successful programme for educators, researchers and industry.
Thematic Brokerage
3 Brokerage events took place, one in Brussels and two held back to back in Vietnam and Thailand. These very successful and well attended events collaborated with other EC projects, the EEAS, EuroCham, EATiP MiPs and national platforms. EEAS trade representatives have encouraged additional targeted trade missions to build on se Asian - European relations.
Linkage with ASEAN FEN
EURASTiP has boosted ASEAN-FEN’s reputation as a platform to promote academic/research excellence in the field of aquaculture. ASEAN-FEN has expanded its role as a centre to promote foreign academic staff and student training. This has attracted more universities in ASEAN to enrol in ASEAN-FEN. EURASTiP has assisted ASEAN-FEN in establishing new collaboration in Europe.
• The project website –
• Successful project social media – Twitter and YouTube Channel
• Factsheets, flyers and promotional materials for use at events and conferences, all multi language.
• A widespread promotional campaign across Europe, se-Asia and at other international events. A detailed dissemination log gives a breakdown on this far reaching activity.
• Online project management
• A project risk assessment
• Meeting minutes and reports
Gender Equity and Equality
EURASTIP partners have made a commitment to promote gender equality across all the platform’s activities. To this extent a gender panel has been formed and three gender panel reports submitted as project deliverables. Project dissemination activity includes promotion of gender issues in aquaculture. The gender panel lead chaired a new session of Women in Aquaculture at Aquaculture Europe 2019
EATiP Mirror Platforms
The EATiP Mirror Platform (MiP) network proved to be a key agent within the EURASTiP project and project methodology. EURASTiP has facilitated and part financed a number of MiP events. Joint meetings were held with EATiP, MiPs and NPPs to address multi stakeholder platform methodology and areas of mutual interest between MiPs and NPP representatives.
The funded Exchange programme has proved highly successful with strong demand for follow up actions as soon as possible, allowing for broader exchanges across the ASEAN bloc and Europe.
Capacity building workshops show numerous innovative methods of teaching and training and strengthening inter regional education networks. This builds on previous activity (e.g. AquaTNET).
Dissemination and outreach is widespread, particularly using web based and social media channels. It has grown exponentially during the second reporting period of the project as EURASTiP establishes.
Brokerage activity has seen successful examples of symbiotic relationships with other EC funding streams (e.g. SwitchAsia) and collaboration with the NGO sector. Business to business (SME) innovation has been demonstrated and commercial successes have been attributed directly to project activity.
NPPs (with EATiP MiPs in Europe) are held as key in the expansion and facilitation of sought after trade, brokerage and exchange programmes.
A much better understanding of European –se-Asian aquaculture trade and respective sectoral economic profiles has been developed through research and analysis of market data, common issues and certification. There is a better understanding of social inclusion models in south east Asian aquaculture and certification pathways.