Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CableSENS (Underground power cables remote monitoring by a smart control system based on a novel optical sensor platform)
Período documentado: 2016-04-01 hasta 2016-09-30
CableSENS System is the first monitoring solution adapted to underground power cables challenging operating conditions based on LUMIKER’s patent-pending FOCS technological design enabling remotely and real time accurate electric current measurements with inexpensive materials.
CableSENS project aims to accelerate the last development stage of this novel photonic based Smart Grid solution and adapt LUMIKER’s capacities for ensuring a successful market uptake.
- The original project objectives, approach and impact remain basically the same
- Industrial and commercial feasibility of CableSENS System has been assessed
- CableSENS commercialization feasible by early 2019
- Different configurations of CableSENS system adapted for two niche applications
- The IPR Freedom to operate for the new functionalities has been validated
- Although no competitor threat currently exists, LUMIKER must meet the demands by placing CableSENS system on the market within 2 years
- CableSENS system first target market are the TSO and DSO companies in Europe USA and LATAM.
- Electric power industry: higher continuity of supply, a lower energy supply loss, and lower operating and maintenance costs
- Society due to the negative effects of power grids outages on our daily lives
- LUMIKER’s competitiveness and growth: by 2021, 2,7 X turnover and 2,4 X staff number; international sales in 10 countries.