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Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Government (B2G) E-Procurement and Business Intelligence Platform through Smart and Innovative Approaches

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - E-ProMS (Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Government (B2G) E-Procurement and Business Intelligence Platform through Smart and Innovative Approaches)

Reporting period: 2016-06-01 to 2016-11-30

1) What is the problem/issue being addressed?

- Procurement processes and supplier relations are one of the most significant tasks for a business evident in the phenomenal growth of global markets.
- As global market grows faster every day, profit margins of companies decreasing and supply chains are becoming more complex.
- In international markets, companies have to act faster. However, ordinary procurement processes are long and hard to manage.
- Buyer side of B2B (Business to Business) transections needs to buy faster on a competition environment.
- Seller side needs to find more buyer quickly, easily and economically, so as to sell cheaper.
- The main problem is lack of information for finding opposite side. In B2B interactions, most of the buyers go to sellers which they know as lack of time.
- Especially for SMEs, the main issue is delivering the good or product. The core activity is always the main operation of the business. Supply and procurement is generally the secondary important thing.
- Government agencies may buy the same thing at different prices for many reasons such as inefficiencies in procurement processes or insufficient competition.
- Government buyers need more business intelligence on market as product/service, seller and previous contract values for the same item.

2) Why is it important for society?

E-ProMS is important for society because;
- Buyer search potential sellers in local or international markets, in seconds by a few clicks
- Buyer get business intelligence about sellers based on government sales.
- Buyer find correct seller or it is suggested to buyer according to buyer’s criteria based on what is needed
- Seller reaches the buyer what it sells as the buyer’s need appears
- Seller get business intelligence about buyer in seconds
- Beyond getting government business opportunities instantly, sellers get intelligence about public agency and potential competitors for the procurement. So, sellers have opportunity to give better offers to get the contract.

3) What are the overall objectives?

The overall objective of this study is to systematically survey, by means of market studies and customer pilots, the needs and willingness of potential users in order to deploy e-Procurement Management System in the purchasing processes and to demonstrate the advantages of e-Procurement Management System to the companies involved.
In the end of the study a global business plan will be conducted. This study will clarify the thinking and perceptions of the industry concerning to new and innovative solution, e-ProMS, that provides an excellent opportunity for organisations to help shaping its processes/solutions/database based on global aspects of the next generation e-procurement tools.
− Customer survey and customer pilots:
In this step we perform a research on EU business sectors and companies. Then, customer survey has been conducted to gain information based on carrying out both quantitative and qualitative consultation with stakeholders from diverse sectors across local market and Europe

− Technical Feasibility:
In this step, the potential constraints of implementation of the System such as available timeframe, risks to implementation and regulations at EU and national level have been searched.
Then, technological infrastructure has been assessed in pre-selected countries.
Thirdly the risks of implementation have been detailed under categories of scope, cost management, stakeholders, commercial and user acceptance.
Fourthly, detailed legal regulations have been investigated for commercialization of the solution on EU market and national markets.

− Market Analyses:
In this step various markets have been searched.
-- European Market Analysis: With the analysis of European market, project team determined which feature of the system should be changed or added, which languages should be supported and how interface is going to be. Also the targeted countries and potential competitors and their pros and cons, have been determined.
-- International Market Analysis: With this analysis, project team extended European market analysis to international level.
-- Targeted Country Analysis: In this analysis, countries that selected in previous market analyses has been examined at national level. State regulations, national tender processes, local competitors will be identified and searched.

− Economic Feasibility:
Financial feasibility analysis has been conducted by developing a base case financial plan and assessing the sensitivity of the profitability of the project, and the projected return.

− Business and Internationalisation Plan:
In this plan, objectives and roadmap that will be followed in rest of the project have been determined by using the previous step’s outputs.

Main results achieved so far:

- The customers’ needs and problems have been searched and analysed
- The competitors have been identified and analysed deeply
- The software and database alternatives have been analysed and compared detail
- The substructure for technical side has been selected
- The target market has been selected
- Financial tables for investment and operation in new markets have been made
- Less contract spends
- Lower prices
- More profit both for buyer and seller
- Reducing requisition to order cycles
- Reducing requisition to order costs
- More controls on spending
- Reduces maverick spending
- Consistently lower the total cost of acquisition
- Easy access to international markets to get customer
- Increasing budget efficiency on public procurements
- Saving on public procurement costs
Workflow of system
Draft bidding screen