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IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 1

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PINTA (IP1 Traction TD1 and Brakes TD5 – Phase 1)

Période du rapport: 2018-01-01 au 2018-12-31

This project has been developed as Phase 1 of the work which will be developed within the Technical Demonstrators Traction (TD1.1) and Brakes (TD1.5) during the implementation of Shift2Rail.
The ultimate goals of TD Traction and TD Brakes are, from one side to bring to the market a new generation of traction drive equipment and, on the other side, to develop safe brake systems based on adhesion management with higher braking performance, lower life cycle cost and noise levels.
The project PINTA addresses the topic S2R-CFM-IP1-01-2016 –Development of concepts towards the next generation of traction systems and management of wheel/rail adhesion –of the first H2020-S2R Call for project for the JU members.

On year 3, the partners have continued to progress toward the 7 Traction KPIs targets described in WP1 Deliverable. Once a year, partners will deliver their respective progress on the 7 KPIs.
Brake Adhesion work done in WP7,8 have also described their local KPIs.
All of them are fully in line with S2R macro KPIs ( LCC, Reliability/Avvailability, Capcity of trains or lines)
PINTA Phase 1 project has been closed end of Dec 2018.
Work are continued via S2R IP1 PINTA2 project and keep the same targets to lead to demonstrations on trains at the end of S2R
On Year2, the main results per Workpackage are:
• WP1 Top level requirements
The Top level specifications have been updated and refined including the Operators (DB,SNCF) points of view.
• WP2 Development of lab prototypes
Tramway: The design of a SiC traction converter for Tramway application has been done and described in Draft D2.1 (24pages) .
Metro: The design of a SiC traction converter for Metro application.
Sub-urban : The design of a Sub-Urban Lab converter Hardware has been done.
Electronic-Transformer Regional: The general studies on e-transfo pre-implantation of train roof have been done.
Traction SiC Regional: the first evaluation of 7 Traction KPIs achievement has been quantified.
The main benefits are the reduction of energy consumption and maintenance savings.
The exchanges with operator about traction SiC demonstration within Shift2Rail timeframe have started. The prototype of power module has been realized for electrical tests.The prototype of gearbox has been realized.

Regional Traction system smart maintenance: The state of situation in Traction Regional trains and axes of work for predictive maintenance algorithms has been described.
The specification for the traction motor has been delivered.
• WP3 Tools and methodologies to reduce noise and EMI emission
The main work has been on different axes of study aiming to better simulate and reduce noise from different origins, Progress has been done on methodologies of cooling noise of traction motors,.
On EMI noise reduction , The preliminary definition, development, application and validation of methodologies and tools for the simulation of EMI emission of traction systems has been studied.
• WP4 Tools and methodologies for increased reliability, availability and smart maintenance.
On the improvement of knowledge of power components for higher reliability, additional informations of environmental conditions inside the electronic compartment based on existing measurements were described, mission profiles for electrical stress of related semiconductors were described.
On the improvement of concepts and architectures for higher availability: the definition of optimized system architecture for the different vehicle platforms, the evaluation of existing and additional sensors to create information for improvement of availability have been done.
• WP5 Requirements, specifications and developments for virtual validation and certification.
Physical tests which may be replaced by virtual simulations have been identified.
Good correlation between virtual simulations and real measurements for component and on-vehicle tests was achieved.
• WP6 Supply standardisation for key components & technology transfer.
The standard semiconductor specification has been updated.
• WP7 Adhesion detection and low adhesion management
During two measurement campaigns in the course of commissioning of an Alstom Regiolis as well as an Alstom Pendolino train Faiveley and Knorr-Bremse recorded adhesion relevant data.
• WP8 Adhesion modeling and laboratory & track reproduction systems
The Adhesion modeling specification, the WSP test procedure, the WSP Test rig specification specification have been described.

• WP9 Project Management and Technical Coordination
The WP9 has continued to organize internal to PINTA governance meetings. The Proposal to continue PINTA on a “PINTA2” future project - based on AWP 2018- has been prepared . The 2nd Interim Paiement has been received and distributed to PINTA partners

• WP10 Dissemination, communication and exploitation
Two papers have been submitted and accepted for Transport Research Arena conference on April 2018; the communication of PINTA at Innotrans 2018 discussed and concrete proposals have been done to the JU S2R; the PINTA Brochure has been released
The ambitions of Shift2Rail which are inherited by PINTA require substantial ground-breaking improvements in the two key vehicle technology areas addressed by the Project. Indeed, current vehicle solutions are getting closer to their enhancement limits and new radical proposals must be envisaged to accomplish the goals.
3D simulation on new Traction equipments cooling on the roof of the train