Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Spin-off growth (Peer learning on technology transfer companies support)
Período documentado: 2016-12-01 hasta 2017-11-30
Spin-offs are a source of knowledge transfer, promote economic growth and local development. They are an important source of innovation, and allow to increase the technology transfer between the U&RC and its environment, especially the relationship with productive sector.
Spin-offs are essential for the regional economic and social development as they provide qualified jobs, and perform activities with high creation of added value. They constitute a key element to move toward a new productive model based on research and innovation.
Nevertheless, the commercialization of research, and spin-off creation in particular present significant barriers to bring successfully research developed in U&RC to the market.
The overall objectives of the project are:
- Improve the actions of the institutions for a more effective promotion of U&RC entrepreneurship.
- Improve the capabilities of the support institutions with the aim increase the number of innovative SMEs arising from universities & Research Centers and increase their growth and development.
- Develop capacities for designing, implementing and evaluating a specific program that supports entrepreneurs for the creation of spin-off companies-
- Provide appropriate tools for institutions for the strengthening and consolidation of U&RC companies for better transfer knowledge.
The result is documented in this Design Option Paper (DOP), which tries to identify and document implementation options, guidelines and implementation alternatives that we have experienced and would recommend to other innovation support service agencies. The DOP is a realistic roadmap for most appropriate and effective support in a more efficient manner to the University Spin-off companies.
In this sense, the partners have developed the Spin-off Growth Model.
We have identified eight actions necessary for the development of a spin-off support program. These actions covers the linear model of spin-off creation process, and we think through its implementation and development, it is possible to foster technology transfer and commercialisation through improvement regional innovation ecosystem, which increase spin-off companies, its growth and survival.