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Master Plan Maintenance

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PJ20 AMPLE (Master Plan Maintenance)

Período documentado: 2019-01-01 hasta 2019-12-31

Within the Single European Sky technological pillar, the European ATM Master Plan (ATM MP) is the roadmap to the horizon 2035+ to guide and connect ATM Research and Innovation and Deployment in building the future European ATM System. The European ATM Master Plan Edition 2015 approved by the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) Administrative Board and the European Commission, sets out Performance Ambitions and a Vision for European ATM.

As such it provides a European reference for alignment of the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan.

The ATM MP is composed of three Levels; it can be consulted in the ATM MP Public Portal:

By EU Regulation 409/2013, the ATM MP is the essential instrument allowing all European ATM key civil and military stakeholders - Airspace users, Air Navigation Service providers, Airports, Network Manager, Airborne and Ground industry, Standardisation bodies and Professional Staff organisations - to share and further develop this common vision for the future European ATM and setting forth the SESAR solutions which following successful research are likely to be elicited to compose future Common Projects for operationally seamless and cost effective deployment.

The ATM MP needs to be a living plan, kept abreast of evolutions of the European ATM performance, progresses of the SESAR solutions research results and of deployment. The duty (overall objective) of SESAR PJ20 AMPLE (ATM Master PLan for Europe) is to ensure the maintenance, update and alignment of the ATM MP three Levels and its associated Portal as a Common Support Activity of the SESAR 2020 Programme.
2017 saw three main streams of action:
1. The EC/SJU requested PJ20 to draft a proposal for Common Project 2. The selection criteria from EC/SJU were used to compile a Common Project proposal, based on SESAR 1 solutions that were not already covered by the PCP. This also required the compilation of numerous business cases for candidate solutions that were to be considered for the Common Project proposal. The proposal was delivered to the SJU at the end of October 2017.
2. A team was set-up to coordinate and facilitate in support of the SJU Project Office, the creation of a Strategic roadmap for the integration of Drones in the Master Plan, which was delivered in November 2017.
3. The preparation of the campaign for updating the ATM Master Plan in 2018 was composed of a number of activities, ranging from the consolidation of change requests to the baseline data set of the Master Plan, the finalisation of updating all methods that will be applied in the campaign, the adaptation of the approach for estimating V4, V5 and IOC dates of Operational Improvement steps and Enablers, and the annual updating of the standardisation and regulatory roadmap material as well as the annual production of the ATM Master Plan level 3 Report (2016) and Plan (2017).