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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Improving collaborative working between correctional and mental health services


Management Meetings

Management meetings. These will be held months 6,24,36,48

Familiarisation event
Mid Term Meeting

Mid term meeting between Project Officer, Coordinator and Consortium representatives to discuss project delivery and implementation

A user-informed prototype of a CLM ready for pilot in the MHS CS environment.

A userinformed prototype of a CLM ready for pilot in the MHS CS environmentM56

Curriculum for training

Training workshop delivered in UK M12, M24 Ran once in each country, in the UK at M12 and n Norway at M24. HiM and UiS cooperate on the generation of training workshop and is curriculum design. This curriculum will have potential to be used asa template for future training in mental health and corrections service services.

Shadowing experience in Practice Partners for Academic Partners

Shadowing experience in Norwegian Partner KO for ER and ESRs from Academic Partner M36 Shadowing experience in Norwegian Partner Footprints for ER and ESRs from Academic Partner M24

Reintegration seminars in home institution

Reintegration seminar for partners in home institutions when returning from secondment

Validation workshop

The CLM and the other models of facilitating collaborative practice and social innovation have developed independently, in different European contexts, but there is a complementarity and synergy between them that to date has not been explored. The validation workshop (WP4) will offer a unique opportunity for these models to be compared and contrasted and their implementation explored in an international and comparative context. CRADLE also have possibility to make a novel comparison of this CLM model with models used in other

Study tour of Practice Partners for Academic Partner

Study tour of Norwegian partner KO for ER and ESRs from Academic Partner M36 Study tour of UK partner Footprints for ER and ESRs from Academic Partner M24

Research experiences for practitioners in academic institutions

Research experience for practitioners in UIS and HIM and BU M36

Plan for Outreach events

Plan for Outreach Events to disseminate knowledge created in COLAB

Guidelines on the potential of this model as a means of promoting innovation and collaboration in other interagency collaborations where marginalized groups are participants in the redesign process.

Guidelines on the potential of this model as a means of promoting innovation and collaboration in other interagency collaborations where marginalized groups are participants in the redesign processM56

Progress report 1

Progress reports submitted to Commission at month 12

Strategic plan of the Offender –Innovate community of practice
Framework describing current collaborative practices between the MHS & CS from perspective of frontline professionals and offenders within the Norway and the UK context

Framework describing current collaborative practices between the MHS & CS from perspective of frontline professionals and offenders within the Norway and the UK context M 36

Framework summarising current change laboratory and other models of collaboration and innovation

Framework summarising current change laboratory and other models of collaboration and innovation M36

Action plan to guide communication and Activity of Offender-Innovate over study period.

Deliverable 1.2 Action plan to guide communication and Activity of Offender-Innovate over study period

Open access guidelines to serve practitioners, management and developers in the MHS and CS field

Open access guidelines to serve practitioners management and developers in the MHS and CS field 56FIOH is coresponsible with UNINE for this deliverable

Progress report 2

Progress report submitted to Commission at month 36

Dissemination Strategy

Deliverable 6 Dissemination Strategy

Proposals submitted to funding Horizon 2020 ERC, Nordic research Council, CSA Finland, ESRC UK, Norwegian Research Council Norway

Proposals submitted to funding Horizon 2020 ERC Nordic research Council CSA Finland ESRC UK Norwegian Research Council Norway M48Each individual partner will participate in these bids where necessary and source and lead funding in their home country

Guidelines on how intersectoral and international RISE consortia can be managed in the future

Guidelines on how intersectoral and international RISE consortia can be managed in the future M56


Combining Resources: A Participatory Intervention Promoting Organisational Learning, Social Innovation and Interorganisational Collaborations In Criminal Justice

Auteurs: Sarah Hean; Marie Aakjær; Laure Kloetzer; Laura Seppännen; Anu Kajamaa; Päivikki Lahtinen; Tine Murphy
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: University of Stavanger

Social Work with Disadvantaged and Marginalised Groups

Auteurs: Parker, J. and Ashencaen Crabtree, S.
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Sage

Addressing reoffending through addressing offender mental health: Exploring the viability of the Change Laboratory method as means of promoting social innovation in the delivery of integrated mental health care offenders in prison services.

Auteurs: Lahtinen, P., Esko, T., Kajamaa, A., Johnsen, B., Sepannen, L. and Hean, S
Publié dans: Addressing reoffending through addressing offender mental health: Exploring the viability of the Change Laboratory method as means of promoting social innovation in the delivery of integrated mental health care offenders in prison services., Numéro 2018, 2018, ISBN 978-82-7644-820-7
Éditeur: University of Stavanger

Collaboration and Innovation in Criminal Justice An Activity Theory Alternative to Offender Rehabilitation,

Auteurs: Rocha, P
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: Routledge

Improving Interagency Collaboration, Innovation and Learning in Criminal Justice Systems Supporting Offender Rehabilitation

Auteurs: Hean, S. , Kajamaa, A,, Johnsen, B. Kloetzer, L
Publié dans: 2021
Éditeur: Springer

Performance-based policy in offender rehabilitation: Limitation or innovation for front-line workers in Liaison and Diversion services?:

Auteurs: Paulo Rocha; Ann-Karin Holmen
Publié dans: • Rocha, Paulo; Holmen, Ann-Karin Tennås (2020) Performance-based policy in offender rehabilitation: Limitation or innovation for frontline workers in Liaison and Diversion services?. Probation Journal. Volum 67.Hefte 3.s.198-213.DOI: 10.1177/0264550520926578, Numéro 02645505, 2020, ISSN 0264-5505
Éditeur: SAGE Publications Ltd
DOI: 10.1177/0264550520926578

Dugdale, William; Lahtinen, Paivikki; Kajamaa, Anu; Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff

Auteurs: Dugdale, William; Lahtinen, Paivikki; Kajamaa, Anu; Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff
Publié dans: Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2021, ISSN 1356-1820
Éditeur: Taylor & Francis

The Lived Experience of Motherhood after Prison: A Qualitative Systematic Review.

Auteurs: Gobena, Eden Begna; Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff; Heaslip, Vanessa; Studsrød, Ingunn
Publié dans: Women & Criminal Justice, Numéro 08974454, 2022, ISSN 0897-4454
Éditeur: Haworth Press Inc.
DOI: 10.1080/08974454.2022.2030274

Experiences of vulnerability in adult male prisoners: an integrative review. The Prison Journal

Auteurs: Heaslip, V., Dugdale, C., Parker, J., Johnsen, B. and Hean, S.
Publié dans: The Prison Journal, 2022, ISSN 0032-8855
Éditeur: SAGE Publications

Det ubemærkede: Refleksioner over resocialiseringer fra et norsk åbent fængsel

Auteurs: Rosenberg, C.
Publié dans: Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier, Numéro 24460281, 2020, ISSN 2446-0281
Éditeur: Det Kgl. Bibliotek
DOI: 10.7146/tfp.v16i31.122763

The Experience Of Incarcerated Mothers Living In A Correctional Institution With Their Children In Ethiopia,

Auteurs: Begna, E. And Hean, S.
Publié dans: Journal Of Comparative Social Work, 2019, ISSN 0809-9936
Éditeur: uis

Improving collaboration between professionals supporting mentally ill offenders

Auteurs: Sarah Hean, Atle Ødegård, Elisabeth Willumsen
Publié dans: International Journal of Prisoner Health, Numéro 13/2, 2017, Page(s) 91-104, ISSN 1744-9200
Éditeur: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1108/ijph-12-2016-0072

Improving criminal justice workplaces: Translating theory and research into evidence-based practice. By PaulaBrough, Jennifer M.Brown and AmandaBiggs, Abingdon: Routledge, 2015. ISBN 978-1-13-801946-1; £110.00 (hbk).

Auteurs: Jonathan Parker
Publié dans: Social Policy & Administration, Numéro 52/1, 2018, Page(s) 317-318, ISSN 0144-5596
Éditeur: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/spol.12372

"""A conceptual model on reintegration after prison in Norway"","

Auteurs: Bjørn Kjetil Larsen, Sarah Hean, Atle Ødegård
Publié dans: International Journal of Prisoner Health, 2019, ISSN 1744-9200
Éditeur: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1108/ijph-06-2018-0032

Risk Assessment and Risks of Assessment in the Work of Probation Officers

Auteurs: Ros, J., Kloetzer, L. & Lambelet, D.
Publié dans: Tsantsa : revue de la Société Suisse d'Ethnologie,, 2020, ISSN 2673-5377
Éditeur: Seismo
DOI: 10.36950/tsantsa.2020.025.06

Vankilahenkilökunnan kehittämistoimijuus kehittämisinterventiossa: kehittämistoimijuuden muodot ja niiden ilmentyminen muutospajamenetelmässä. Pro gradu-tutkielma, Helsingin yliopisto. (Transformative agency of prison personnel in a developmental intervention: forms of transformative agency and their manifestation in the method of Change Workshop. I

Auteurs: Vesio, Miila
Publié dans: 2021
Éditeur: University of Helsinki

Interprofessional collaborative practice in the Norwegian prison system: a case study exploration of front-line professionals at two transitional residences reintegrating inmates back into society. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.

Auteurs: Dugdale, W.,
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: Bournemouth University

Collaboration and Innovation in Criminal Justice: Doctoral Dissertation University of Stavange

Auteurs: Paulo Rocha
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: University of Stavanger

Exploring interprofessional collaboration in the field of criminal justice in Norway : a mixed methods study of prisoners' reintegration after prison;

Auteurs: Bjørn Kjetil Larsen
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: Doctoral Dissertation, University College Molde

The application of Norwegian humane ideals by front-line workers when collaboratively reintegrating inmates back into society

Auteurs: Dugdale, William; Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff
Publié dans: Collaboration, Innovation and Learning in Criminal Justice Systems., 2021
Éditeur: Palgrave Macmillan

Tracing the historical development of a service model for interagency collaboration : Contradictions as barriers and potential drivers for change

Auteurs: Bastos Rocha, Paulo Thiago; Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff
Publié dans: Improving Interagency Collaboration, Innovation and Learning in Criminal Justice Systems., 2021
Éditeur: Palgrave Macmillan

Doing research in probation settings: experience and « field policy ».

Auteurs: Lambelet, D., Ros, J. & Kloetzer, L.
Publié dans: Fieldwork experiences in Criminology and Security. Methods, Ethics and Emotions., 2022
Éditeur: Geneva

The Change Laboratory As A Tool For Collaboration And Social Innovation. In: Eds Atle Ødegård and Willumsen, E. Samskaping :

Auteurs: Hean, Sarah; Lahtinen, Paivikki; Dugdale, William; Larsen, Bjørn Kjetil; Kajamaa, Anu.
Publié dans: Sosial Innovasjon For Helse Og Velferd., 2020, ISBN 9788215034089
Éditeur: Universitetsforlaget

Collaboration between criminal justice and mental health: how do we really work together? [Samarbeid mellom kriminaomsorg og psykisk helse: Hvordan jobber vi egentlig sammen?].

Auteurs: Hean, Sarah; Ødegård, A.; Willumsen, E.
Publié dans: The Subject in Focus [Faget i Fokus]: KRUS Annual Conference, 2020
Éditeur: Universitetsforlaget

Better Together Podcast Series

Auteurs: COLAB
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: University of Stavanger

Re-offending prevention and society re-integration for young offenders Working Paper

Auteurs: Sjo, E and Sæbjørnsen
Publié dans: Working Paper, 2018
Éditeur: University COllege Molde
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.21046.34880

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