Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ACOUSEQ (Acoustics for Next Generation Sequencing)
Reporting period: 2017-05-01 to 2018-10-31
This project is specifically concerned with this latter area, namely DNA fragmentation – now widely acknowledged across the industry as being the most important technological bottleneck in the pre-sequencing workflow. Our new method for DNA fragmentation – involving using surface acoustic waves enables sample preparation from lower sample volumes using lower powers. This project allowed us to develop a lab-based prototype which enables the fragmentation of DNA from a range of sources (volumes, concentrations), on a disposable, micro-machined microchip. We have also strengthened our IP position by expending our patent portfolio, providing a more attractive offer to potential collaborators.
In the near term this will enable the implementation of sample preparation pre-sequencing steps within the NGS instruments. In the longer term, our techniques will also enable us to develop methods for field-based DNA sequencing – as may be required for determining “microbial resistance” and informing the treatment of infectious disease in the face of the emergence of drug resistance.