Periodic Reporting for period 4 - PlantaSYST (Establishment of a Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology for the translation of fundamental research into sustainable bio-based technologies in Bulgaria)
Période du rapport: 2020-12-01 au 2022-05-31
The strategic objectives of the CPSBB are:
• Highest research quality and productivity in the field of plant systems biology and biotechnology (up to the highest international standards).
• New products for the Bulgarian and the global market (breeders, farmers, end-users).
• Retaining and re-gaining the best specialists in the fields of plant science and bioinformatics.
• Educating next-generation researchers in the fields of plant systems biology and biotechnology.
• Establishing an excellent service-orientated management structure, effective innovation management, and intellectual property mechanisms.
• Bringing sectors together (policy, science, industry) for social and economic development. Clustering with other research institutes, universities, industry and regional authorities in Plovdiv.
Overall, the newly established CPSBB will increase Bulgaria’s research and innovation potential, significantly enhance the capacity of the Bulgarian science in the fields of plant systems biology and biotechnology, and stimulate the local scientific, economic, and social development in Plovdiv.
CPSBB has become the most productive Bulgarian research institute in terms of peer reviewed publications.
CPSBB signed the co-funding project with the Executive Agency “Operational Program Science and Education for Smart Growth” and initiated the construction work of the new CPSBB research complex.
The construction was completed in January 2022.
CPSBB and MVCRI have introduced four new tomato and two new pepper varieties.
17 new projects with participation of CPSBB were submitted during RP4 and nine of them were granted.
CPSBB was a co-organizer of two major international conferences.
A utility model for in vitro propagation of Haberlea rhodopensis was registered in the Bulgarian Patent Office.
CPSBB has joined national and international organizations, such as the Agro Hub, Euraxess, and the International Seed Federation.
CPSBB has initiated and continued to collaborate with several companies (such as BioAtlantis, Lukoil Neftochim Burgas, Opora Zaden), based on mutual research interests.
Overall, these achievements have enhanced the potential of CPSBB significantly, disseminated project's results, and strengthened CPSBB's reputation as a leading organization in the field of plant science.
CPSBB has become one of the most productive plant research centers in Bulgaria. CPSBB, with the cooperation of the PlantaSYST partners and the international partners, is currently conducting high-level research that has already resulted in a number of quality publications. Some of the highlights include publications in high-ranked journals such as Cell, Nature Communications, Trends in Plant Science, and Biotechnology Advances. This sustained increase in scientific production is important for the international visibility and the long-term sustainability of CPSBB.
Internationally, CPSBB is building a strong reputation. It already has a large network of academic and industry partners and this network continues to grow. CPSBB is now frequently asked to participate in various consortia and regional/international centers. The impressive publication record of the CPSBB scientists attracted attention to the center and contributed to the building of strong image of CPSBB. Large international conferences such as ICNPU 2019 and ICPSBB 2021 further showcase CPSBB and put it on the world scientific map.