Conducted in parallel at UCLouvain and at the Warburg Institute (University of London) by an international team of researchers (Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Jordan and Egypt), Philand has, for the first time, interrogated together a vast body of texts produced both in the East and in al-Andalus, to determine their filiation and better assess their critical significance in the history of philosophy and science. The examination of these sources, which include the Jābirian corpus, the encyclopedia of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ (Brethren of Purity), the Nabatean Agriculture, the alchemical Rutbat al-Ḥakīm by Maslama b. Qāsim al-Qurṭubī, as well as the works by Ibn Masarra and Ibn Ḥazm, resulted in an extensive array of publications (critical editions, translations, monographic surveys, special issue or individual articles in to-rank peer-reviewed journals). Three major conferences were convened with the leading experts in the world to explore the following transversal issues: ‘Power, Religion, and Wisdom: Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in al-Andalus and Beyond’ (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton); ‘Science and Craft: the Relations between the Theoretical and Practical Sides of the Occult Sciences in the Islamic world’ (Warburg Institute, London); ‘Interconnections Between Jewish and Islamic Rationalistic Forms of Thought During the Middle Ages’ (UCLouvain). Additionally, we created M-Classi, a digital tool to list, search and visualize the classifications of the sciences in the Islamicate world. PhilAnd also includes a major research dissemination component, including an article in EU Research journal and a series of ‘Conversations with PhilAnd researchers’ video capsules.