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Enhancing the Responsible and Sustainable Expansion of the Science Shops Ecosystem in Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - (Enhancing the Responsible and Sustainable Expansion of the Science Shops Ecosystem in Europe)

Reporting period: 2018-09-01 to 2020-02-29 was a Horizon 2020 initiative aimed at promoting the growth of community-based participatory research and Science Shops across Europe. The project explored how different types of research organisations, such as universities, research institutes, companies and non-profit organisations can develop sustainable Science Shops. The project ran from September 2017 to February 2020 and involved 18 partner organisations from 13 European countries. Ten new Science Shops were established during the project alongside resources, tools and training to support new Science Shops. Profiles of the Science Shops can be found on the Scishops platform at
Resources for Science Shops and CBPR researchers
On a networking and knowledge sharing platform for CBPR, you can find a range of resources to support the establishment and development of Science Shops, such as:
•Guide on how to establish and run a Science Shop
•Case studies of Science Shops and best practices
•Tools to support responsible research and innovation (RRI) and stakeholder engagement
•What’s a Science Shop? FAQ
•Online training modules
•Scenarios collection
•CBPR Practitioner’s Roadmap and Methodology toolkit
•Science Shop Tips & Tricks, available in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian and Italian
•Strategy for Participatory Research Literature review on community-based participatory research
•Getting the most out of twinning and mentoring - top tips
•Stakeholder survey findings on awareness, experience and opinion about community-based participatory research in 34 countries
SciShops Collaboration is a virtual meeting space on for all stakeholders who are working in Community-Based Participatory Research or are interested in working more closely with their communities through CBPR initiatives.
• in a Nutshell Connect with local and international experts, CBPR practitioners, public administrations, companies and community organisations to exchange knowledge and experiences.
•Seek CBPR-related Jobs, Partnerships, Funding, Staff Exchange, Twinning and Mentoring opportunities.
•Initiate conversations in different languages and on different themes.
•Showcase your CBPR initiative in English/other languages.
Within the SciShops summer schools all project partners and external participants have participated in trainings on how to further develop their science shop regarding citizen science, partnership building, impact evaluation, moderation techniques, social media engagement and business planning. These are key learnings for building sustainable science shops and generally welcomed by researchers, students and other science shop-specific stakeholders. By having the developed resources available on the platform , also translated in 6 European and international languages, keeps creating impact on an international level and developing skills recommended for a science shop staff member.
By involving the European society through co-creation-style activities their perceptions and knowledge on current societal challenges and possible solutions will be heard. This knowledge is collected and gains visibility by contributing to the development of concrete research questions and the overall communication of project results. This has a positive overall impact on the European society and current societal challenges.
The European ecosystem is directly and indirectly strengthened by the work undertaken in Each type of entity who has established a science shop is benefitting from the action: privately owned companies use it as a means to come closer to the communities; for large enterprises this is even more important. KPMG has linked it to its CSR Strategy. NPOS use it to attract more funding, Universities to increase of their academic ranking and dissemination of research results and research institutes to disseminate results and achieve greater reach.
Moreover, the multiplicity of backgrounds and types of organizations which have established a science shop is a solid base that science shops are not only expanding in geographical reach, but they are also expanding in terms of type of establishment. This project succeeded in establishing science shops outside the boundaries of academia and expanded in the business sector. What is more, a large enterprise has established a science shop which again proves the concept’s potential of survival outside the academic boundaries but also opens the opportunity for further collaboration between business, research, education and policy to benefit the civil society on a local, national and European level. Furthermore, through raising awareness on the proved benefits of owning a science shop and by disseminating the solid results of the project such as the business planning understanding, the knowledge gathered during the establishment, the partnerships created etc. the newly established science shops can be the catalyst for further expansion of the ecosystem.
In the long-term, we aim at having an impact at building (additional) bridges between different initiatives in Europe and beyond and at promoting networking, twinning and exchange opportunities between Science Shops all over the world.
Project Achievements 1
Project Achievements 2
Project factsheet page 2
Project factsheet page 1