CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
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The knowledge exchange roadmap will include insights gained from the first round of events from participants, experts and other stakeholder groups and will cover lessons learned, challenges and conclusions.
European SciShops Symposium ReportThis report will record the SciShops symposium and summaries preparation and outputs of the event.
New science shops establishment reportThis report will include the partnerships between new science shops and research institutes or experienced science shops. Furthermore, based on the research questions collection, they will adapt their concept to fit the requirements and needs of the communities.
Events roadmap 1This deliverable includes the concepts for the knowledge transfer events from science shops to the public as well as for the summer schools and other training activities for new science shops’ staff.
Staff training evaluationThis report will record the adaptations and changes the staff of the new science shops needs to take into account when dealing with community-based participatory research.
Events status report 1This report will be developed following the first round of events and will encompass the activities and discussions. Based on the lessons learned, the second iteration of events will be organized.
Scientific publications and networking summary reportRelevant research findings and innovative concepts that are achieved during the project will be presented to the scientific community through publications and conference papers.
Practitioner roadmaps and methodology toolkitsThe practitioner roadmap and methodology toolkits developed in this deliverable will give insights and methods, as well as RRI tools for an effective knowledge exchange in the community-based participatory research process between science shops and civil society.
End users feedback report and optimisation 2Quality of the services provided within the SciShops Web Platofrm is essential for the acceptance and employment of the developed software components. Issues in performance, usability and task suitability are analysed, assessed and addressed in a minimum of two iterative cycles. A report on identified issues, taken optimization measures and generated improvements will document the performed changes. This will be integrated into the technical documentation delivered in Task 5.1.
Events status report 2This report will be developed following the second round of events and will encompass the activities and discussions.
Stakeholder survey summary reportThis structured report holds all insights from gained from running online surveys.
Existing RRI tools and successful participatory community based research case studies reportThis report will include insights from RRI-related European initiatives as well as community-based participatory research successful case studies. There will also be included prospective unsuccessful projects or initiatives in order to be investigated and to find out the challenges which were not overcome.
Knowledge transfer assessment 1This report will assess the first round of knowledge transfer from the new science shops to the community as well as the feedback provided by all parties.
European synergy status reportThis report will describe connections and partnerships developed between the SciShops consortium and previous similar or related initiatives. The synergies will help in spreading the project’s results to a broader audience but also to learn from other projects’ findings.
Community specific research questions reportThe whole project is meant to empower the communities with valuable science shops, which are able to answer their research questions. In this sense, this deliverable comprises a collection of research questions gathered from the community for the newly established science shops through various communication channels.
Stakeholder and engagement strategy on participatory community-based researchThis deliverable will be based on the Expert and Advisory Board, as well as on the synergies developed with other initiatives. The strategy will be built to plan their involvement in the SciShops project.
Baseline research and best practice report on participatory and community-based researchThis deliverable builds the basis for the whole WP2 and focuses on the identification and analysis of existing studies, publications, best practices and strategies in the field of science shops, participatory and community-based research.
Existing science shops assessmentThis deliverable collects challenges the science shops had to overcome in order to stay on the market, as well as impacts they had on their community and on the European society as a whole.
Strategy for participatory research in communities and capacity building of existing science shopsThe strategy included in this deliverable will ensure the inclusion of work flows for participatory community-based research process as well as lessons learned from the first rounds of knowledge transfer events within the SciShops project.
Knowledge exchange roadmap 2The knowledge exchange roadmap developed in D 3.6 will updated following the second round of events.
End users feedback report and optimisation 1Quality of the services provided within the SciShops Web Platofrm is essential for the acceptance and employment of the developed software components. Issues in performance, usability and task suitability are analysed, assessed and addressed in a minimum of two iterative cycles. A report on identified issues, taken optimization measures and generated improvements will document the performed changes. This will be integrated into the technical documentation delivered in Task 5.1.
Stakeholders' insights on participatory community-based researchThis analysis will provide insights into different stakeholders’ groups views on participatory community-based research, their experience and the purpose it was used for.
Knowledge transfer assessment 2The second round of knowledge transfer will be conducted after the final training of the staff, based on the needed and required changes.
Events roadmap 2This deliverable includes an update of the concepts for the knowledge transfer events from science shops to the public as well as for the summer schools and other training activities for new science shops’ staff.
The collection from this deliverable will contain science shops’ different stages of development in order to accurately predict the challenges they might encounter. The scenarios will be built based on existing science shops but also on imaginary ones to cover all possible layouts.
Dissemination package 2The dissemination package makes use of a variety of communication channels to disseminate information about the project: this contains for example leaflets, newsletters and additional materials for the general public and interested stakeholders.
Modules for training science shops' staffThe development of modules for training new science shops will be led by experienced, successful science shop staff, with the help research institutes and planning and strategy experts. They will be used within the project to train staff of the 10 new science shops.
Science shops taxonomyThe deliverable will comprise a detailed categorization of existing science shops, based on their theme, type of mother organization and capacity level.
Dissemination package 1The dissemination package makes use of a variety of communication channels to disseminate information about the project: this contains for example leaflets, newsletters and additional materials for the general public and interested stakeholders.
The core feature for end user interaction is integrated into the portal, running and validated. Enabling efficient connection of stakeholders to each other is essential for the sustainable engagement of hosts and participants at regional, national and international level. The twinning service therefore will provide multiple parameters to be set by the end users in order to refine twinning requests and to optimize service output.
European SciShops Digital Awareness ChannelsThe established channels are up, running, constantly filled with new content and moderated. Based on platform and user-generated content, intuitive data visualisation and modular dashboards are made available to the public, providing insight into the regional, national and Europe-wide characteristics and coverage of the SciShop ecosystem.
Interactive SciShops Knowledge BaseThe populated Knowledge Base of SciShops is essential for engagement of new hosts and participants into ecosystem. By providing in-depth knowledge and best practice showcases, incentives for SciShop implementation are generated.
The project website will be up and running. Continuous updating is performed to ensure the timeliness of project-relevant data for interested stakeholders. The SciShops project has taken place on the full spectrum of social media channels and the third-party platform profiles have been setup and ready to use.
Daniela De Filippo, Nuria Bautista-Puig, Elba Mauleón, Elías Sanz-Casado
Published in:
Publications, Issue 6/3, 2018, Page(s) 36, ISSN 2304-6775
Digital Scholarly Publishing
M. Balistrocchi, G. Grossi
Published in:
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Issue 28, 2020, Page(s) 100670, ISSN 2214-5818
Elsevier BV
Núria Bautista-Puig, Daniela De Filippo, Elba Mauleón, Elías Sanz-Casado
Published in:
Publications, Issue 7/1, 2019, Page(s) 12, ISSN 2304-6775
Nuria Bautista Puig, Elías Sanz Casado, Elba Mauleón
Published in:
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Issue 1/1, 2020, Page(s) 1, ISSN 1740-8822
Inderscience Enterprises
Daniela De Filippo, Leyla Angélica Sandoval-Hamón, Fernando Casani, Elías Sanz-Casado
Published in:
Sustainability, Issue 11/20, 2019, Page(s) 5570, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Niko Schäpke, Franziska Stelzer, Guido Caniglia, Matthias Bergmann, Matthias Wanner, Mandy Singer-Brodowski, Derk Loorbach, Per Olsson, Carolin Baedeker, Daniel J. Lang
Published in:
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, Issue 27/1, 2018, Page(s) 85-96, ISSN 0940-5550
Oekom - Gesellschaft fuer Oekologische Kommunikation mbH
Núria Bautista-Puig, Carlos García-Zorita, Elba Mauleón
Published in:
Research Evaluation, Issue 28/4, 2019, Page(s) 370-382, ISSN 0958-2029
Beech Tree Publishing
Bitsouni, V.; Buttenschön, A.; Kaouri, K.; Thul, R.
Published in:
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2020, ISSN 0092-8240
Academic Press
Pandiella-Dominique, A.; Bautista-Puig, N; De Filippo, D
Published in:
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Issue 4/year, 2020, ISSN 1740-8830
Matthias Bergmann, Ph.D. Niko Schäpke Oskar Marg Franziska Stelzer Daniel J. Lang
Published in:
Sustainability Science, 2020, ISSN 1862-4065
Springer Verlag
De Filippo, D.; Pandiella-Dominique, A.; Lascurain, M.L.; SanzCasado, E.
Published in:
Sustainability, 2020, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Geciene I., Kanopkaite S.
Published in:
Informacijos mokslai, 2020, ISSN 1392-0561
Vilnius University Press
Geciene I., Kanopkaite S.
Published in:
Informacijos mokslai, 2020, ISSN 1392-0561
Vilnius University Press
Matthias Wanner, Annaliesa Hilger, Janina Westerkowski, Michael Rose, Franziska Stelzer, Niko Schäpke
Published in:
disP - The Planning Review, Issue 54/2, 2018, Page(s) 94-114, ISSN 0251-3625
Institut fur Orts-, Regional- und Landesplanung
Wanner, M., Stelzer, F., et al.
Published in:
in brief, Issue 07/2019 S1, 2019, Page(s) 8
Wuppertal Institut
Berteni, F.; Barontini, S.; Grossi, G.
Published in:
Berteni, F.; Grossi, G.
Published in:
Avraam, D.; Bitsouni, V.; Glynatsi, N. E.; Kaouri, K.; Micheletti, A.; Oliveira, R.; Zachariou, M.
Published in:
Annette Madelene DĂNCILĂ, Rodica STĂNESCU
Published in:
The Chemistry Magazine, Issue N 3 May 2018, 2018, Page(s) 37-39
Romanian Chemistry Society
Stanescu R., Ionescu C.S., Dancila A.M.
Published in:
EMC 2019 Proceedings, 2019
Nevinskaite L., Geciene I.
Published in:
10th annual conference of the Lithuanian Society of Sociologists, Klaipėda, Lithuania, 2018
Lithuanian Society of Sociologists
Grossi, G; Barisani, F.; Berteni, F.; Barontini, S.; Ranzi., R.
Published in:
COWM 2018, 2018
Grossi, G; Barisani, F.; Berteni, F.; Barontini, S.; Ranzi., R.
Published in:
Hydrology days 2018, 2018
Hydrology days
Grossi, G; Berteni, F.; Barisani, F.; Barontini, S.; Ranzi., R.
Published in:
Hydrology Days 2019, 2019
Hydrology Days
Grossi, G; Berteni, F.; Barisani, F.; Barontini, S.; Ranzi., R.
Published in:
IAHR Europe Congress 2020, 2020
Berteni, F.; Leoni P.; Pezzagno, M.; Piro, P.; Grossi, G.
Published in:
IDRA, 2020
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