Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RMBLStrip (Self-adjusting air deflectors for heavy trucks)
Reporting period: 2016-12-01 to 2017-05-31
would likely suffer from far worse economic development within the European Union. One of the most important pieces in this complex logistics systems is the trucking industry. But this industry is also one of the worst polluters in the Union, emitting some 900 Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents annually.
To reduce the emissions, increased costs is likely a consequence for the hauler. But the hauler in the trucking industry is already financially pressed, with low profit margins despite high investments and many of them go out of business or turn to employment of unfit and unsafe drivers. So how could these actors manage higher costs?
The project shall conduct a feasibility study aimed at verifying the technical viability of a disruptive air deflector for heavy trucks, with the potential to save 3% of the consumed fuel. The 3% that the disruptive roof deflector can save correspond to approximately 27-30 million tonnes of CO2 [Eurostat] emitted from heavy transports around Europe.
Establishment of agreements with suppliers and customers: Letters of Intent has so far been agreed on and signed and a Pre-development agreement with a OEM Tier 1 supplier is under construction.
Two additional patent applications has been filed and a proper business plan has been developed.
RMBLStrip also won two startup contests during the project, Venture Cup and Serendipity Challenge.