Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HYPER TOWER (Design of Hyper Tall Onshore Wind Turbine Towers)
Período documentado: 2017-09-01 hasta 2019-08-31
The overall objectives of Hyper Tower project are: RO1, to provide improved understanding of wind turbine tower design; RO2, to achieve greater tower heights in parallel with material use economy; RO3, to identify the critical points where experimental and numerical results do not coincide and to provide sufficient explanation of future improvements; RO4, to shorten the data needed to perform fatigue analyses with the use of artificial loading histories and calculate the design life of the structures; RO5, to develop new methodologies in order to achieve towers with greater height and to solve the new structural problems that appear.
The numerical analysis of tubular wind turbine towers and the identification of structural issues that arise when attempting to reach greater heights were realized. A number of 10 tubular tower numerical models, of diverse height and wall thickness were elaborated with the aid of ABAQUS software under all actual loading conditions. The finite element analysis of the novel lattice wind turbine tower configuration was completed, assessing the tower height and material use. The innovative tower configuration was compared to the classical steel tubular configuration in terms of capacity and material weight used. The overall behaviour of the tower was assessed with more than 100 numerical models and the comparative results were published in a journal paper. The numerical simulation of the novel cross-sections to be introduced in hyper-tall towers was carried out. The tower subparts were analysed in detail with regards to the best structural performance and a number of sixteen (16) full scale numerical analyses of the tower subparts were performed. The numerical analyses performed with ABAQUS software were compared with the experimental analyses of the innovative cross-sections that were tested at the UoB laboratory. The simulation of fatigue problem was performed using advanced numerical methods and artificial loading time-histories. The design life of the structure was calculated using Life Cycle Analysis in order to assess the environmental impact of wind energy structures. Training and dissemination activities of HYPER TOWER project were performed throughout the duration of the project. The twitter account and the project website were live from the very first months of the project while the researcher participated in numerous workshops, presentations in schools and the University, open days for industrial representatives held in the campus and educational activities for children held with the aid of UoB or the local STEM ambassadors community. Conference publications were presented from the first year of the fellowship and two journal publications were presented in International Journals.
Potential impact: the analysed tower configuration has been investigated thoroughly taking into account all aspects of civil engineering issues and has been proved to be robust and economic both in terms of money and in terms of environmental impact. Therefore the economic impact that it may have is that it can offer more energy capacity, greener energy and in a more affordable price since the initial investment cost would be minimized. The social impact that the proposed solution could offer is evident since the energy produced by wind structures that are of less environmental impact (following the LCA results for the lattice structure) is of great environmental benefit for the society. Hyper Tower project offers a structure that can be implemented and offer greener energy to society. The results are disseminated and are open to the public, both to the scientific but also to the industrial community.