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Rhodoshop – a pilot programme to facilitate investment in energy efficiency by creation of One-Stop-Shop in Rhodope Region of Bulgaria.

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Rhodoshop (Rhodoshop – a pilot programme to facilitate investment in energy efficiency by creation of One-Stop-Shop in Rhodope Region of Bulgaria.)

Période du rapport: 2021-09-01 au 2022-08-31

Rhodoshop project aims at assisting local public authorities and other stakeholders in small sized rural municipalities in Rhodope Region of Bulgaria in successful launching and implementation of sustainable energy projects. It is an initiative of six pioneering municipalities in the Rhodope region and focuses on creation of a pilot programme for financing investment by establishing Rhodoshop - a structure to act as central procurement agency on behalf of local authorities to undertake energy retrofitting works in their buildings and street lighting systems. Rhodoshop represents the innovative financing model of one-stop-shop replicated in Rhodope/Bulgarian context, focused on building investment project pipelines that will combine/bundle suitable projects in the subscribed municipalities (with the possibility to include others in the course of work) in order to gain critical mass and get better financing terms. After accomplishing the pipe-lines respective public tenders will be launched in compliance with Green Public Procurement principles in order to make the best choice of environmentally friendly, energy efficient and cost effective products and services.
The overall objectives for the project are to:
- Increase the capacities, skills and knowledge of Rhodope local authorities by creating of Rhodoshop, one-stop-shop for energy efficiency initiatives in the region based on the successful experience of GRE-Liege financial model RENOWATT. Rhodoshop will be a procurement agency, acting on behalf of public authorities that undertake energy retrofitting works in their own existing buildings and street lighting systems.
- Develop a pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects allowing for project aggregation and financing solutions minimising transaction costs;
- Come up with suitable financing solutions for realization of energy savings in Rhodope Region (EPC, Energy efficiency funds, bank loans, national funding sources, etc.).
- Launch concrete sustainable investment projects in Rhodope municipalities.
- Ensure long-term impacts of the Rhodoshop efforts after the life-time of the project by engaging in a dissemination programme within Bulgaria and within EU for project results multiplication.
1. Establishment of Rhodoshop one-stop-shop and getting ready for operation:
• Legal set-up the Rhodoshop as a dedicated structure, part of ARM;
• Organize logistics of Rhodoshop accommodation – office premises and equipment;
• Organize staffing of Rhodoshop;
• Organize training of the selected staff
As a result the Rhodoshop one-stop-shop is fully operational with its staff trained and started implementing the foreseen investment project pipe-lines.

2. Operation of Rhodoshop:
• Selecting potential projects – pools of buildings and street lighting systems;
• Establishment and constant update of the two pipelines of sustainable energy investment projects - for buildings and for street lighting systems;
• Research on TPF and ESCO market conditions;
· Energy audits and certifications, and feasibility studies have been performed and/or updated;
· Investigation of possible financing sources and selection of most appropriate ones depending on project specifics;
• Search for funding and assistance for matching funding requirements;
· Setting up financing plans for the selected project;
• Assisting municipalities in applying for funding;
· Assisting municipalities in tender preparation and launching;
The results are: sustainable projects investments launch leading to energy savings and GHG emissions reductions. In addition, capacity building was achieved, and further replication of OSS concept was inspired.

3. Monitoring the impact of Rhodoshop operation:
In order to constantly monitor the developments of Rhodoshop pipelines and their impacts, two xls files have been created and updated - for monitoring of investment pipelines for building and for street lighting systems, and for summary of investment. Also a separate xls file with Table 2.a from GA, representing the current status of project pipelines, was created and updated.
The following documents present the outcomes and results of the monitoring, and help upscaling and replication of action:
D3.6_3rdPR_31-08-22_MONITORING investment_Rhodoshop _ARM;
D4.1 Rhodoshop Summary of results, presenting the whole journey of the action, its main results and conclusions;
D4.2 RHODOSHOP example catalogue, presenting the typology of sustainable energy investment projects applicable to local authorities in Rhodope region and the main influencing factors for success/failure of investment project;
D4.3 RHODOSHOP guidance material, presenting the pros and cons of the One-Stop-Shop model adaptation for Rhodope Region:
D4.4 RHODOSHOP Business plan to ensure sustainability of OSS services.

4. Dissemination, communication and exploitation of results:
• Dissemination and exploitation strategy was prepared;
• Production of promotional materials: logo and graphic charter were produced, and promotional package (leaflet electronic and printed, 500 copies in Bulgarian and 500 copies in English, and a bilingual roll-up in EN and BG) were elaborated;
• Production of ppt presentations was done with quotes about results and milestones;
• The prepared Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy have been followed;
• The web-platform is up and running and has been constantly updated with the results of Rhodoshop operation;
• Promotional leaflets were disseminated;
• ppt presentations have been prepared and delivered at different events;
• Rhodoshop was presented at 19 national and international events, among which Conference “Market Finance for Energy Efficiency Investment in EU and China”, 20 September 2019, Qinhuangdao, China, upon invitation of the organizers.
• Three press releases were prepared and published in ten local and national media. The full list of press releases with links to the media is given in D5.5 RHODOSHOP press releases;
The following documents present the outcomes and results of the communication and dissemination efforts, and help upscaling and replication of action:
D5.6 RHODOSHOP recommendations (in Bulgarian and in English) presenting the main lessons learnt during Rhodoshop operation to serve as starting point for future similar undertakings;
D5.7 RHODOSHOP final publishable report
• The investment result of Rhodoshop operation within action duration amounts to 6 253 060 Euro. In addition, projects with total investment of 4 705 388 Euro have been prepared by Rhodoshop OSS and will be completed within three years from 31 August 2022;
• The primary energy savings amount to 11 680 MWh/year;
• The GHG emission reduction resulting from Rhodoshop OSS operation amount to 5 410 tCO2e/year;
• Qualified staff with 5-year experience in sustainable project development and implementation was created and remains locally at place to continue the efforts in municipalities to invest in energy efficiency improvements. Furthermore, Rhodoshop OSS plan to start providing advice to citizens on energy refurbishment of their homes.
• The concept of OSS for building renovation was promoted in Bulgaria and within EU, and the establishment of an OSS for private residential building renovation in the Municipality of Asenovgrad, Bulgaria, was inspired.
Rhodoshop summary information