Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SRec BIPV (Smart Reconfigurable photovoltaic modules for Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic applications)
Período documentado: 2018-03-01 hasta 2020-02-29
The focus of WP2 has been the development of the control algorithm for the RSPV module. This is based on a digital twin of the module itself that must run on a low-cost controller. Such a digital twin must ensure accuracy, to allow proper selection of the best configuration at run-time, and have limited execution time, to enable real-time reconfiguration. For this reason, the first part of WP2 has been devoted to the adaptation of the imec PV energy yield simulation framework for faster execution. Speed-up of ~190 times has been reached thanks to proper digitalization of the thermal network model and transformation of the electrical network model to remove implicit equations. This new simulation platform, implemented in both MATLAB and Python, is an essential part of current imec PV energy yield simulation framework and it has paved the way towards a collaboration (currently in place) between imec and the Lithuanian company PVcase to develop next-generation yield-simulation software for solar parks. The second task of WP2, to finalize the control algorithm, is to identify the PV module operating conditions with limited number of sensors, in order to use these identified parameters as input for the digital twin. In collaboration with University of Salerno and Tampere University, an identification algorithm has been developed that allows evaluation of irradiation and temperature based only on converter-level electrical measurements, that are also necessary to run the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm, and datasheet values.
WP3 and WP4 focused on the validation of the control algorithm and the RSPV module demonstrator. The algorithms developed in WP2 are both implemented in MATLAB, so that MATLAB itself could be used to port the algorithm on a digital device straightforwardly. Also, the different components of the RSPV module have been realized and indoor testing of the RSPV module layout have been performed, that demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed approach. Assembly of the full RSPV module for outdoor validation of its performance is work in progress at the moment this report is being written.