Periodic Reporting for period 2 - iBROAD (Individual Building (Renovation) Roadmaps)
Período documentado: 2018-12-01 hasta 2020-12-31
The iBRoad project worked on lifting these barriers by developing an Individual Building Renovation Roadmap for single-family houses. This tool looks at the building as a whole, and provides a customised renovation plan (iBRoad-Plan) over a long-term horizon (5-30 years).
The roadmap makes it possible to improve a building’s energy efficiency gradually, taking into account the occupants' needs and specific situation (e.g. financial situation, composition of the household, etc.). By planning ahead and future-proofing technical requirements, the roadmap also helps avoid 'lock-in' –whereby present choices limit the future renovation potential.
The iBRoad-Plan is combined with a repository of information –a building logbook (iBRoad-Log)– on aspects like energy consumption and production, executed maintenance and building plans. The logbook can be an extremely useful tool for home-owners and occupants in gathering building related information in one place, for energy auditors and contractors who require technical building information to suggest and implement improvements, and for policy makers to plan targeted instruments to support decarbonisation of the building stock.
Together, the building renovation roadmap and logbook represent iBRoad's specific proposal for a Building Renovation Passport (BRP) now mentioned in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Renovation Wave Strategy, in support of long-term, step-by-step renovation.
The iBRoad project analysed and built upon relevant initiatives to identify the elements, develop an integrated concept and produce modular tools, suitable for differing national conditions.
The tools were adapted for testing in Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, plus Germany for the logbook. The testing entailed setting the national parameters, training professional auditors, and implementing the methodology for producing the roadmaps and logbooks to suitable buildings.
Based on testing insights and the broader examination of the feasibility and replicability of the iBRoad concept, the project proposed specific policy approaches to implement BRPs on a wider scale, and considered the potential for extending iBRoad beyond single-family houses.
Development and implementation of the iBRoad concept relied, in parallel, on direct engagement with stakeholders. Similarly, iBRoad outcomes were extensively shared, sparking interest and providing the tools to those interested in applying them further.
A concept for the building renovation passport based on existing initiatives. iBRoad developed and tested a concept for the BRP as a modular framework comprising the renovation roadmap and logbook, both centred around an individual building.
A flexible hybrid data structure for building information. Recognising that building information includes parameters that are common across the EU and others which are substantially differentiated between countries, iBRoad developed a hybrid data structure –at the conceptual and the software tools level– covering both EU-shared and country-specific parameters. This allows the iBRoad approach to be adapted and implemented in any EU country and beyond.
An energy audit methodology and training. iBRoad's energy audit methodology is a step-by-step process to assess the state of a building, converse with the owner to comprehend their perspective, and develop a customised renovation roadmap.
Two functional software tools. The iBRoad-Log, the digital building logbook, and the iBRoad-Plan, the programme used to generate the renovation roadmap, are powerful and flexible software tools that can be adapted and deployed by authorities and other organisations to support implementation of their building policies.
Cost calculation methodology. iBRoad developed a cost calculation methodology to help energy consultants in enabling building owners to base their decisions on reliable cost and return estimates.
Public opinion and stakeholder analysis. Extensive end-user research and stakeholder feedback on iBRoad’s background, concepts and tools helped in choosing paths and taking decisions, and remains valuable for future undertakings.
Policy suggestions. iBRoad’s outputs include specific policy proposals for the BRP concept to be embedded into concomitant and supportive policies, ranging from informational and economic to regulatory.
All iBRoad tools and methods are characterised by modularity; an authority or other organisation can choose and adapt the ones most suitable for their situation.
iBRoad's outcomes have reached thousands of stakeholders, including policy makers, energy auditors/experts, industry representatives, research and academia, associations and NGOs, financial institutions and investors. The iBRoad website alone reported more than 30.000 downloads as of December 2020.
Dissemination activities comprise presence in more than 40 relevant events and networks, including the EUSEW awards, the organisation of webinars, the publication of research papers, etc.
iBRoad's tools and methods have been exploited beyond the project's original scope in the context of a feasibility study for the introduction of BRPs in Ireland, undertaken by the Irish Green Building Council. Other opportunities are being assessed in the context of follow-up initiatives, including the new project iBRoad2EPC, planned to begin in September 2021.
iBRoad has also been adapted to Greece and Romania. Of particular interest is the testing in Ireland thanks to a collaboration with the Irish Green Building Council, proving the adaptability and applicability of the tools to varying conditions.
As per feedback received, iBRoad outputs have been supportive of larger-scale adaptation and deployment. At iBRoad's final conference, the tools have been called potential “game changers” for the deep renovation of EU’s buildings.
The iBRoad methodology and approach represent a scientific and technological breakthrough potential that has been a significant part of relevant EU policy discussions, as presented through the EPBD, the Renovation Wave Strategy, and current consultation for the revision of the EPBD.
At the end of the project, iBRoad has pragmatically contributed to the adoption of future policies in support of decarbonisation of the building stock, as proven through references in, e.g. the EC-commissioned feasibility studies on the building renovation passport and the digital building logbook, the EC Staff Working Document SWD(2021) 69, the long-term renovation strategies of Portugal and Ireland, and Horizon 2020 projects BIM4EEB, ePANACEA, re-MODULESS, x-tendo, etc.