Periodic Reporting for period 4 - MECH-EVO-INSECT (The mechanical evolution from biting-chewing to piercing-sucking in insects)
Reporting period: 2022-03-01 to 2023-09-30
The project faced considerable delays due to COVID19. The project began in 2018 so that we had to cope with all COVID19 measures taken by governments around the world. I estimate that, in summary, this lead to a delay of at least one year concerning all project steps and we had to deviate from our original plans by analysing other taxa and/or using other methodological approaches.
Therefore, the core question of this research project - the evolutionary and mechanical pathway from biting-chewing to pericing-sucking mouthparts - has not been answered, yet, mainly due to the COVID related delays. Nevertheless, we have already landmarked 95% of the relevant specimens so that I estimate that we are able to publish papers about the core research questions within 24 months after this report and also after that time. At the time of this report (November 2023) we were able to publish our research in 17 peer-reviewed journals. We have published ten papers regarding different aspects of head shape morphology and evolution in arthropods with a particular focus on insects. Two papers were published regarding methodological developments, while we published two other papers about the head and gill biomechanics of fishes. These two papers are indeed follow-up studies stemming from our core research agenda about insect head and mouthpart biomechanics. Finally, we participated in another three papers about different aspects of insect biomechanics and phylogeny.
However, the project also faced considerable delays due to COVID19. The project began in 2018 so that we had to cope with all COVID19 measures taken by governments around the world. I estimate that, in summary, this lead to a delay of at least one year concerning all project steps and we had to deviate from our original plans by analysing other taxa and/or using other methodological approaches.
Essentially, the core question of this research project - the evolutionary pathway from biting-chewing to pericing-sucking mouthparts has not been answered, yet. This will be done after the financial closing of the project due to the COVID related delays. We have already landmarked 95% of the relevant specimens so that I estimate that we are able to publish papers about the core research questions within 24 months after this report and also after that time.
We have published ten papers regarding different aspects of head shape morphology and evolution in arthropods with a particular focus on insects. Two papers were published regarding the methodological developments mentioned above, while we published two other papers about the head and gill biomechanics of fishes which indeed are follow-up studies stemming from our core research agenda about insect head and mouthpart biomechanics. Finally, we participated in another three papers about different aspects of insect biomechanics and phylogeny.