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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

A Modular European Education and Training Concept In Nuclear and RadioCHemistry

Resultado final

Short course on “Development of radiotracers” materials

D3.1 Short course on “Development of radiotracers” materials

Updated CINCH VET Syllabus
Complementary activities report

D4.9 Complementary activities report

First Public Report

D4.4 First Public Report

Functional requirements for the MEET-CINCH e-learning platform

D2.3 Functional requirements for the MEET-CINCH e-learning platform

Concept for the ongoing sustainability of the e-learning platform

D2.6 Concept for the ongoing sustainability of the e-learning platform

Final Report on Communication and Dissemination

D4.6 Final Report on Communication and Dissemination

Second Public Report

D4.5 Second Public Report

Final Report on Travel Fund

D4.8 Final Report on Travel Fund

A report of training needs in radiopharmaceutical chemistry

D1.1 A report of training needs in radiopharmaceutical chemistry

Potential options for design and hosting of an e-learning platform

D2.4 Potential options for design and hosting of an e-learning platform

User documents and laboratory exercise scripts for the RoboLab experiments

D2.8 User documents and laboratory exercise scripts for the RoboLab experiments

High School NRC Teaching Package

D1.3 High School NRC Teaching Package

Final Review Report of the End-users and Advisory Group

D5.4 Final Review Report of the End-users and Advisory Group

Report on the pilot courses run

D2.2 Report on the pilot courses run

Travel Fund Handbook

D4.2 Travel Fund Handbook

Assessment of the requirements for the electronic Training Passport

D2.9 Assessment of the requirements for the electronic Training Passport

Interim Review Report of the End-users and Advisory Group

D5.3 Interim Review Report of the End-users and Advisory Group

Project presentation

D4.1 Project presentation

Short course on Chemical dosimetry for industrial and medical applications

D3.6 Short course on Chemical dosimetry for industrial and medical applications

"MOOC ""Essential Radiochemistry for Society"""

"D1.2 MOOC ""Essential Radiochemistry for Society"""

Series of class room events on a weekly basis

D3.4 Series of class room events on a weekly basis

Tailored training event for nuclear medicine end-users

D3.2 Tailored training event for nuclear medicine end-users

Tailored training event for members of regulators and administrative bodies

D3.3 Tailored training event for members of regulators and administrative bodies

Basic Course on Ionizing Radiation

D3.5 Basic Course on Ionizing Radiation

Basic Course on Analytical Radiochemisty

D3.7 Basic Course on Analytical Radiochemisty

New RoboLab setup

D2.7 New RoboLab setup

NucWik overhaul

NucWik overhauled and old material formatted for the new site.

Project webpage

D4.3 Project webpage

First version of the CINCH VET e-shop



An Exploration based Pedagogical Framework to develop a MOOC on Nuclear and Radiochemistry

Autores: F. Concia, E. Macerata, S. Sancassani, M. Negrin and M. Mariani
Publicado en: EMOOCs 2019 Work in Progress Papers of Research, Experience and Business Tracks, Edición 5.5.2019, 2019, Página(s) 93-99
Editor: CEUR

Cooperation in Education and Training in Nuclear- and Radiochemistry in Europe

Autores: M. Šácha, J. John, M. Němec, P. Distler, C. Walther
Publicado en: ChemZi, Edición Vol. 15, No. 1, 2019, Página(s) 110
Editor: Slovenská chemická spoločnosť

MEET-CINCH: A Modular European Education and Training Concept in Nuclear and RadioChemistry

Autores: Mojmír Němec, Clemens Walther, Jan John
Publicado en: Program Book of the 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry, APSORC 2017, Jeju Island, Korea, Edición 17-22 September 2017, 2017, Página(s) p. 44
Editor: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

A new blended-learning hands-on training course in nuclear chemistry

Autores: Mojmír Němec, Kateřina Čubová, Jan John, Irena Špendlíková, Jiří Martinčík, Lenka Procházková, Václav Čuba, Jon Petter Omtvedt, Nicholas Evans
Publicado en: Czech Chemical Society Symposium Series, Edición Vol. 16, No. 2, 2018, Página(s) p. 242, ISSN 2336-7202
Editor: Czech Chemical Society

MEET CINCH A Modular European Education and Training Concept In Nuclear and radiochemistry

Autores: Clemens Walther, Jan John
Publicado en: Czech Chemical Society Symposium Series, Edición Vol. 16, No. 2, 2018, Página(s) p. 240, ISSN 2336-7202
Editor: Czech Chemical Society

MEET-CINCH: A Project for the European Cooperation in Education in Nuclear and Radio Chemistry

Autores: M. Negrin, E. Macerata, F. Concia, M. Mariani, J. John, C. Walther on behalf of the MEET-CINCH Consortium
Publicado en: Book of Abstracts, CHERNE 2018 - 14th Workshop on European Collaboration in Higher Education on Radiological and Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Protection, Edición 2018, 2018, Página(s) Pg. 1
Editor: CHERNE

Flipped Classroom Approach in Teaching Analytical Radiochemistry

Autores: Marko Štrok, Borut Smodiš, Ljudmila Benedik, Leja Rovan, Mihajela Črnko, Adis Krečo
Publicado en: Book of Abstracts, 27th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe, Portorož, September 10 ‒ 13, 2018, Edición 2018, 2018, Página(s) 51-52
Editor: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

IonLab – a remote-controlled experiment for academic and vocational education and training on extraction chromatography and ion exchange

Autores: Wolfgang Schulz, Claudia Fournier, Jan-Willem Vahlbruch, Clemens Walther
Publicado en: Radiochimica Acta, Edición 104/10, 2016, ISSN 0033-8230
Editor: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH
DOI: 10.1515/ract-2016-2588

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