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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Augmented Reality Wearable Platform and Screen: Proof of Concept and Commercialization

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MIRAGE (Augmented Reality Wearable Platform and Screen: Proof of Concept and Commercialization)

Período documentado: 2017-05-01 hasta 2018-10-31

Wear3D ERC-Advanced project offers novel optical solutions for head-mounted displays that does not cause any visual discomfort. MIRAGE project is focused on the commercialization of some of the IPR developed within the Wear3D project related to laser projector based smart headsets and high-gain micro-optical screens for image projection. A spinoff company was established during the course of the project. The company aims to address the augmented reality markets, which are expected to exceed US $90 billion after 2022.