Periodic Reporting for period 3 - USNAC (Understanding Type Ia SuperNovae for Accurate Cosmology)
Período documentado: 2021-03-01 hasta 2022-08-31
Today, the state-of-the-art measurement of the dark energy equation of state parameters is measured at the 5% level compatible with the expected value from the standard model of cosmology where the dark energy is a simple fundamental constant in Einstein’s equation. However, the current expansion rate, aka, the Hubble Constant H0, directly measured by Type Ia Supernova is incompatible with that predicted by this standard model. This rises the question of a the existence of new fundamental physics, including a change of Einstein’s theory of gravity.
The goal of the next generation of surveys (LSST, Euclid, Roman) is to increase by at least 10 the precision in the measurements of the dark energy properties as many alternative model of cosmology deviate from the standard model at this level of precision. Solving the question of the current expansion rate is also one of the most active subject of research in the cosmological community for the last few years. In USNAC we are focusing on one of the most puzzling problem related of observational Cosmology : the fact that we still largely ignore how and why the white dwarf explode into a Type Ia Supernova and most importantly, how this ignorance is affecting the derivation of the cosmological parameters. In fact, “astrophysical biases” in Supernova-Cosmology are currently limiting further progress on the derivation of the properties of dark energy and could be the root cause of the observed discrepancy in the measurements of H0.
To further investigate the astrophysical biases, we are also modelling how the Type Ia Supernovae property would evolve as a function of cosmic time the age-bias is real and is a dominated factor. In the submitted Nicolas, Rigault et al. 2020 we indeed show that our primary model indeed follows very well the observation and is the most simple explanation for the measured evolutions. We also published in Kim et al. 2019 and Kang et al. 2020 public data studies in light of the aforementioned astrophysical biases in cosmology.
But to complete our objective of solving the astrophysical biases issue in Supernovae Cosmology more data are necessary in order to disentangle complexe and highly covariant effect. This improved statistics is provided by the Zwicky Transient Facility Survey the USNAC group is a member of. Thanks to its extremely large camera and its massive telescope field of view, we are observing all the Northern hemisphere every day acquiring all Type Ia Supernova within a distance of 1.5 billions of light-years. In two years, we are collected 5 times more such Supernovae than what was acquired in the last decade. In that project, on top of our active participation to the Cosmology working group, we have built the spectroscopic pipeline making it the first fully automated spectrograph in the world. Thanks that this unique facility, we are responsable to the classification of more than half of all the transients discovered in the world. Photometric calibration is ongoing and we first supernovae release is soon to be expected.
In that context, we have presented in Graziani et al. 2019 and in Graziani, Rigault et al. 2020 how large nearby supernova data could provide a novel and independent approach to test the laws of gravity. This very promising avenue would shade new light in how the Universe’s light scale structures are formed.