Periodic Reporting for period 4 - SPOCkS MS (Sampling Protein cOmplex Conformational Space with native top down Mass Spectrometry)
Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2023-12-31
- Integrate labelling with complex species selective native MS for time-resolved structural studies
- Combine fragmentation techniques to maximise information content from MS
- Develop software suite to analyse data and model protein complex structures based on MS constraints
- Apply SPOCk’S MS to protein complexes of human pathogenic viruses
Main efforts in the reporting period have focussed on assessing soft X-rays at the FLASH free-electron laser and PETRA III synchrotron for efficient fragmentation and dissociation of standard proteins and protein complexes. Data evaluation from four measurement campaigns has been completed showing potential for the methodology and suggesting that an optimized setup as foreseen in the project will likely be beneficial. The results are being prepared for publication.
The main biological question of SPOCk’S MS is how coronaviral replication/transcription complexes assemble and function and thereby facilitate replication of SARS-CoV. In a first publication (Krichel et al 2020), polyprotein processing of the regulatory region nsp7-10 through the viral protease was monitored by native mass spectrometry assessing processing order and efficiency of the three cleavage sides. Crucially, complex formation of two released proteins nsp7 and nsp8 could be observed simultaneously showing a heterotetramer, which topology was deduced. The study has been extended to other coronaviruses revealing two distinct assembly pathways for nsp7+8 complexes resulting in alternate stoichiometry and topology (
Importantly, in light of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, efforts on the biological aspects of the project were intensified. Instead of SARS-CoV, we switched to production and analysis of SARS-CoV-2 proteins. Several proteins are available now for more in depth analysis of the replication/transcription complex. Moreover, we assisted in screening antiviral targeting the main viral protease ( which identified several lead compounds, and further mass spectrometric investigations of this emergent virus.
With the current progress, we expect that functional coronaviral replication/transcription complexes comprising at least the soluble parts will be at reach before the end of the project. It will important to not only focus on SARS-CoV-2 and compare to other coronaviruses that cause severe disease in animals and deduce whether similar strategies can be employed to inhibit their replication.