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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP)

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - VIMMP (Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP))

Période du rapport: 2020-07-01 au 2022-06-30

VIMMP facilitates and promotes the exchange between all materials modelling stakeholders for the benefit of increased
innovation in European manufacturing industry.
VIMMP will establish an open-source, user-friendly, powerful web-based marketplace linking beneficiaries from different
manufacturing industry sectors with relevant materials modelling activities and resources. To enable a seamless and fully
integrated environment, VIMMP is built on solid taxonomy and metadata foundations, including those centred on materials
models, software tools, communities, translation expertise and training materials. VIMMP is a true marketplace, offering a
substantial boost to all providers of tools and services; integrating modelling platforms based on Open Simulation Platform
(OSP) standards that will be pursued in collaboration with the EMMC. Thus, any software owner can easily integrate models
and certify codes to adhere to OSP standards. The Translator function will be supported by novel, collaborative tools that
use metadata to combine models on an abstract logical level. OSP standards enable Translators and End User to build and
deploy workflows quickly.
VIMMP contributes novel avenues for coupling and linking of models, which will be validated in the context of three
overlapping industry applications: personal goods, polymer nanocomposites and functional coatings. Data repositories
relevant to modelling will be developed and integrated in VIMMP, including a novel input parameter repository for
mesoscopic model, also materials properties and associated validation data. VIMMP will comprise a full set of education and
training resources relevant for a wider range of manufacturing industry. VIMMP users will profit from lowering risk and
upfront cost, greater speed and agility of deploying materials modelling and realising the wide range of demonstrated
economic impacts.
Within period 1 and period 2 VIMMP project had crucial achievements that are extreme relevant for the overall concept and design of VIMMP. A very important aspect for the success of the project progress is the great cooperation among partners and their participation across all WPs that are in VIMMP extremely connected. All partners devoted amazing efforts to perform their tasks comprising developments that benefit the overall components of VIMMP and always committed to the project.
Among the main achievements within the periods 1 and 2, it can be highlight:
Period 1 (01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018)
• The first version of the VIMMP Data Management Plan (DMP).
• A first version of the upper-level European Virtual Marketplace Ontology (EVMPO) in congruence with EMMO (european materials modelling ontology) and agreed with MarketPlace project.
• Drafts of the required marketplace-level ontologies for VIMMP and of subdomain-specific ontologies for the required simulation types.
• Salome ( as Open Simulation Platform (OSP), the interfacing of codes in Salome, execution of workflows.
• The development of a proof of concept to illustrate the deployment of VIMMP software components using the docker technology.
• Developments performed allowing the Ingestion of simulation data, online databases and PDF documents.
• Translation survey performed in cooperation with EMMC and MarketPlace project.
• Definition of the translation concept in VIMMP (including ontology driven search).
• Specification of the marketplace development approach and the marketplace plugin concept.
• A detailed definition of industrial use cases including valuable list of requirements for all marketplace components and covering all models.
• A first outline of the business plan reflecting crucial needs of stakeholders in VIMMP and outside of VIMMP.
• Visual identity of VIMMP, Dissemination plan and a joint dissemination plan foreseen activities with other EU projects and initiatives.
• Setting of VIMMP management tools (OSTHUS cloud and Redmine) facilitating the communication and exchange among partners.
Period 2 (01.01.2019 to 30.06.2020)
• Regular updates of VIMMP Data Management Plan (DMP)
• VIMMP DEMO opened to external stakeholders
• Agreement on the upper ontology within the EVMPO group and feedback from this group
• The marketplace-level ontologies completed
• Organization of a full two-day training session on the OSP SALOME and Data Models
• Ingestion of scientific publications
• Machine and Deep Learning for simulation data
• Tutorial and training materials are available on the VIMMP platform
• First version of the VIMMP Translation router component is running as an external application showing the open, modular architecture of VIMMP
• Data storage: Storage of arbitrary data and metadata in ADF files
• Search Capabilities: The metadata is used to provide a search via a simple UI or API.
• Manual ingest: information can be uploaded manually and metadata can be added manually
• Automatic Ingest: Data and metadata can be inserted via an API.
• Exploitation Strategy has been constructed
• VIMMP business plan draft
Periiod 3 (01.07.2020 to 30.06.2022)
• Outstanding list of publications:
• VIMMP MVP DEMO opened to the public
• VIMMP Marketplace available:
The objective of VIMMP is to facilitate a step change in the way in which these industries use materials modelling in the design of materials and their manufacturing processes. As a result, companies from these sector - including in particular SMEs – will experience the benefits more widely and realise the wide range of positive impacts that materials modelling can bring to innovation . These include: More efficient and targeted exploration; Deeper understanding; Broader exploration; R&D strategy development; Performance optimisation; Intellectual property protection; Value chain benefits; Improved communication and collaboration between R&D and production; Upscaling and market introduction as well as marketing benefits. Currently, these benefits are not very widely realised in the European manufacturing industry.
The innovations achieved within VIMMP will result in the following socio-economic, ecological impacts:
Socio-Economic Impact
• Reinforcement of the competitiveness of Europe’s modelling and materials industry;
• Assist the development of high technology materials manufacturing SMEs;
• Increment of safety resulting from more reliable materials development profiting from modelling tools to comply with safety regulations;
• Support delivering superior products to the consumers.
• The cooperation with other projects supports the optimizing of the exploitation and use of results, thus a more conscientious use of public finding meaning a respect to the society (taxpayers).
Ecological Impact
• When more materials modelling as tool for material development are used, then several experiments can be reduced, thus energy and resources are saved.
• The ontology driven search and respective analytics will reduce also computational costs and thus energy as well.
In addition, VIMMP project aimed also at increasing the knowledge level throughout the participation of Uni-versities and R&D facilities to its own Consortium. This may improve the education provided by them and open new topics for further research and development as for instance further providers and data for VIMMP platform.
VIMMP flyer part2
VIMMP flyer part1
VIMMP Marketplace Concept: serving all stakeholders and facilitating the exchange between providers