Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Sure-Rider Boats (Boats with revolutionary Hull design for safer and more comfortable cruising.)
Reporting period: 2017-02-01 to 2017-04-30
The Recreational Boat Market, with over 6 million boats in Europe, demands more and more increased working area so as to transport more passengers. Yachts and Mega Yachts over 500 gross tonnage are compelled by the SOLAS 5 convention to be equipped with Rescue Boats. Owners of these yachts are requesting the possibility of using their yacht-tenders as SOLAS-approved Rescue Boats, which will be solved through using our SURE-RIDER Boats which implies:
1) Reduction of vibration and slamming, and consequently decreasing of crew fatigue and injuries; 2) Increased comfort during pleasure cruising even in the roughest seas; 3) Reduction of the vessel´s mechanical fatigue and thereby its maintenance cost.
Among the objectives achieved we can highlight: a deeper knowledge of the market needs and the competitors within it; greater understanding of our client´s needs in each market target; the potential of our SURE-RIDER Boats; the business plan to be followed so as to reach the market in the next 24 months.
A ready-to-market range of vessels by 2020 that will improve the overall experience, safety and performance in the toughest sea conditions for Recreational, Professional and Governmental use. SURE-RIDER Boats will mean the following advantages: increase comfort, reduce risk of injury, increase performance, handling and stability, increase payload, and reduce lifecycle cost.