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Smart collect points as an innovative logistic solution to shorten fruit and vegetables supply chain

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ECOLUP (Smart collect points as an innovative logistic solution to shorten fruit and vegetables supply chain)

Reporting period: 2017-04-01 to 2017-09-30

The objective of ECOLUP is to provide a digital and professional sales tool to small peri-urban food producers with the final aim of bringing closer urban consumer and peri-urban food producers. We propose the installation of a network of smart collection points (smart refrigerated lockers) in European cities where producers can deliver their online orders.

Main tasks and main result of this feasibility are:

- Insight gained into our target users from both sides – food producers and food buyers. We have carried out surveys, customer segmentation studies and market studies to better understand our users to be able to provide a platform that is user friendly and

- Contact with key technological partners to understand the options available and to budget key expenses for the implementation of ECOLUP. Thanks to this we have a better estimation of the investment required to bring ECOLUP to the market.

- Better understanding of the market on online groceries. The sector of groceries is currently going thought a fast digitalisation with key online and retail players carrying out big investments. This revolution will affect the market context for ECOLUP and it is important to follow it up closely.

- Updated business model and business plan including new objectives for the next development phase. We have re-assessed our investment and our development costs which has result in a more accurate business plan and a detailed roadmap for the development.
This feasibility study has helped us to gain insight from our future customers, targeted market, key stakeholders. Our business model has been updated as a result of this feasibility study.

Customer insight: During the feasibility study we have focused on understanding precisely the needs and priorities of our customers. We have carried out a detailed customer segmentation based on the information collected in surveys.

Market analysis: the sector of online grocery has experienced a revolution in the last year. We have followed up these updates, collecting market data and identifying new trends.

Key partners: The identification of key providers and main stakeholders done during this feasibility study has served us to redesigned our implementation strategy and to quantify our funding needs.

New business model: Based on the practical and theoretical experience carried out during the feasibility study we have revisited our projections and our business model. The resulting business case is better adapted to the target customers and will facilitate a faster market uptake.
ECOLUP has the potential to positively impact peri-urban areas by fostering the development of new agricultural business. The development of these areas will contribute to create jobs in rural areas and will improve the environmental protection of these areas which are currently neglected and suffering erosion.

Besides that, by bringing high quality local products to the urban citizens we contribute to increase the visibility of local food producers, increasing public awareness on the importance of local food production and on its implications in the environment and in the rural areas.