Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ENFIR (ENergy efficient Far InfraRed process of manure valorisation)
Période du rapport: 2017-03-01 au 2017-06-30
The overall objective of our current is the industry adaptation and implementation of our developed pilot plant in the livestock industry for transforming manure into pelletized compost without external energy consumption. Thus, we will develop a transportable process based on our efficient FIR technology able to produce organic fertilizer from manure using the gas generated during the process to produce the electricity needed for the whole process and reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and soil contamination when comparing with conventional management.
Thanks to the Commercial Feasibility Study (CFS) Irconfort has identified and quantified the potential and target market, as well as the key end-users for the ENFIR transportable unit. Thanks to the CFS, Irconfort concludes that market value and legal framework forecasts are very positive for ENFIR project commercialization success. Results of the CFS shows that 859 million tonnes of manure and 2,9 million tonnes of sewage sludge are available on the market for the ENFIR process. This figure corresponds to the target countries identified by Irconfort in its commercial strategy plan: Spain, Netherlands, Germany, UK, Colombia and Peru. During the CFS Irconfort has identified three types of end – users for the ENFIR process: 1) organic fertilizers companies, 2) livestock supplier and equipment for cattle, chicken and pigs companies and 3) waste and wastewater treatment companies. The survey done during the CFS shows an estimated number of end – users companies for ENFIR project of 1.797 in the established target countries (242 organic fertilizing companies, 278 livestock suppliers and equipment companies for cattle, chicken and pigs and 1.277 waste and wastewater treatment companies). Irconfort identified potential competitors in the CFS concluding that there is no company using FIR technology to dry livestock manure. After market investigation, no other competitor has been found since the three main competitors existing companies (VERBERNE, SEaB and PUXIN) offers solutions for the treatment of manure using thermal drying or anaerobic digestion systems. Irconfort has designed a commercial strategy and communication plan for ENFIR. In order to guarantee a successful commercial and communication plan, Irconfort has identified in the CFS the main risks and defined the best mitigation measures for the commercialization of ENFIR.
ENFIR process allows decreasing GHG emissions and soil contamination in an effective way, increasing customer’s incomes from recycling waste.