Periodic Reporting for period 2 - iDistributedPV (Solar PV on the Distribution Grid: Smart Integrated Solutions of Distributed Generation based on Solar PV, Energy Storage Devices and Active Demand Management)
Reporting period: 2019-03-01 to 2020-02-29
Developing affordable integrated solutions to enhance the penetration of solar photovoltaic distributed generation based on: energy storage devices, accurate monitoring strategies and procedures, and active demand management approaches according to market criteria, to enable the development of the EU Energy and Climate Policies.
Developing the concept of “prosumer”.
Validating the most promising solutions according to technical and economic criteria in five different European real distribution grids.
Validaton process will be a relevant argument to convince the power stakeholders, about the suitability of the most effective distributed solar PV solutions such as smart electricity supply.
Providing technical and regulatory recommendations, mainly focused on enhancing an effective and active renewable energy contribution and effective demand management to the security and reliability of the electricity networks.
Supply at large scale electricity and provide ancillary services to the power system (in safe mode)
Improve the security and reliability of the electricity networks
Mitigate the greenhouse gases emissions.
The main objective of this work package will be to convince the main power sector stakeholders about the benefits due to the large penetration of distributed solar PV: this convincing process will be carried out based on the technical, economic and environmental recommendations based on PVGrid outputs.
Introducing guidelines through meetings with EU Commission, EU Parliament, national regulatory bodies, association of RES and manufacturing leaders in this field.
Porposing the development of integrated solutions to enhance the large penetration of solar PV distributed generation (e.g. households/larger buildings/park areas) in safe mode and according to market criteria.
Developing the concept of “prosumer”, a player that consumes and produces electricity in his facilities, using solar PV and energy storage equipment, and smart technologies that allow to carry out active demand management.
Developing the most promising solutions that will integrate solar PV generation, energy solar PV production equipment, inverters, storage devices, smart technologies, active demand management approaches, monitoring strategy and procedures, grid operation procedures and criteria, and regulatory models.
Proposing effective approaches for the integration of these solutions with the rest of the electricity system: electricity demand/supply of excess of production, provision of ancillary services, energy flows and economic flows, operative procedures, and telecommunication standards.
Assessment framework will be elaborated to test these above mentioned solutions according to the following criteria: technical, economic, Energy and environmental policies criteria and Regulatory terms.
Based on the developed solutions, their costs (investment and operative costs) and the revenues due to the sale of electricity and/or the reduction of cost of electricity supply, business and management models for distributed solar PV will be proposed.
The main task for this WP was based on the elaboration of two deliverables, the first one related to the ETHICS Deliverable, and the second one regarding POPD Requirements, for the Data protection.
Definition of the term “solution”: One of the very first activities that the consortium members agreed was to define the concept of what a Solution is in the context of iDistributedPV project.
Identification of prosumer solutions for Europe and possible sub-solutions.
Description of eight promising prosumer solutions in Europe and proposal of technical designs for the solutions.
Analysis of the existing regulatory framework and barriers in 14 EU countries.
Approval and description of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will be applied to quantify the benefits of the solution in each case study. The indicators were grouped in economic, technical and environmental indicators.
Development of approaches for optimally sized installations of prosumer.
Simulation tool, in order to size properly the components of the solution based on the production profile (and its volatility), the demand pattern (and its volatility) and the technical characteristics of the energy storage devices.
Excel tool to calculate economic and environmental KPIs for the solutions and to give an overview on the European context for PV storage systems.
Methodology definition to be employed for the simulation of the distributed solar PV solutions in the different countries.
Evaluation of the impact of these solutions on the electricity system.
WP5 & WP6
Setup of the iDistributedPV web site, social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Tweeter…). Activities of communication and dissemination.
Newsletters: iDistributedPV newsletter to inform about scenarios and simulations results communication and dissemination of the activities.
Attending meetings, conferences, events and workshops, etc., and publishing them in our website.
Preparing an online leaflet and poster and printing some when a fair is attended
iDistributedPV will go beyond the State of the Artand contribute to the larger penetration of RES in the power systems by:
Developing solutions for innovative system-integration and power-management for households and larger buildings (distributed solar PV) based on this power technology, energy storage devices, active power demand management and intensive usage of smart technologies.
Validating the most promising developed solutions, both technical and regulatory, to enhance large solar PV integration in the distribution systems, including cases studies in real power system operations.
POTENTTIAL IMPACTS (including the socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications of the project so far):
The main expected impacts stated is: Market uptake of renewable energy technologies (1. Photovoltaics): the promotion of sound solutions for the large penetration of distributed solar PV systems based on energy storage devices and intensive application of smart technologies and active demand management.
Socio-economic impact:
Manufacturers, regulatory bodies and DSOs must take decisions about investments in new infrastructure to supply future demand and services, and to develop new technology and equipment; nowadays, these decisions are being delayed because of the lack of the information and references that iDistributedPV will be able to supply.
These decisions will have a relevant impact in the employment and economic growth in Europe. Enhancing the penetration of distributed solar PV will reduce the consumption of imported fossil fuels.
Social impact – EU citizens:
Increasing the solar PV integration will allow to reduce the greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere and avoid other more risky conventional technologies when producing power: improvement of quality of life, health and safety.
With the potential large scale replicability, it is expected an increase of the direct employment, the improvement of employment prospects and the creation of new companies (load aggregators, energy service companies, retailers, etc.)