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A European Training Network for Functional Hybrid Coatings by Molecular Layer Deposition

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HYCOAT (A European Training Network for Functional Hybrid Coatings by Molecular Layer Deposition)

Período documentado: 2020-01-01 hasta 2022-06-30

HYCOAT is a project funded by the European Union in the framework of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions – Innovative Training Networks. It is the first European Training Network at the intersection of chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering dealing with the synthesis and applications of hybrid coatings grown by Molecular Layer Deposition (MLD). HYCOAT aims to provide an interdisciplinary and multi-environment (Universities, Research Centers, SMEs & Large industries) training platform and offers 15 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher/PhD positions. A coordinated effort of 10 beneficiaries and 16 partner organizations from 7 European countries (Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway and Spain), HYCOAT targets the development of novel precursor chemistries, processes, characterisation and modelling of MLD and the demonstration of hybrid coatings in four key high impact fields of application relevant for European industries, in packaging, biomedical, electronics and batteries.

WHY HYBRID MATERIALS ? - Hybrid materials engineered at the molecular scale can have synergetic properties, i.e. surpassing the performance of their individual inorganic and organic components. Thin films of hybrid materials will enable breakthroughs in several economically and socially relevant technological application areas.

THE CHALLENGE - Combining inorganic and organic building blocks on a molecular scale is challenging due to the different preparative conditions needed for forming inorganic and organic networks. Current routes are often based on solution chemistry, e.g. sol-gel synthesis combined with spin-coating, dipping or spraying. Liquid-based techniques lack the level of control (thickness, composition, etc.) and sophistication (avoiding contamination, corrosion, etc.) required to fully enable the potential of hybrid coatings, especially on complex surfaces.

MOLECULAR LAYER DEPOSITION AS A SOLUTION - Molecular Layer Deposition (MLD) is a vapour phase deposition technique for hybrid thin films based on successive self-limiting surface reactions. In several aspects, MLD resembles the now mainstream technique of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). However, where ALD is limited to exclusively inorganic coatings, the precursor chemistry in MLD is expanded to include organics and enables linking both types of building blocks together in a controlled way to build up organic-inorganic hybrid materials.

HYCOAT OBJECTIVES - The key objective of HYCOAT is to create a group of exceptionally well-trained young researchers who have a deep understanding of all aspects of MLD technology, as well as broad vision on the application potential of hybrid coatings. Therefore, via training-through-research projects and training events, the consortium aims to
• Objective 1: establish novel MLD deposition chemistries and process schemes
• Objective 2: enable fabrication of hybrid thin films with tailor-made and novel properties
• Objective 3: gain a deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms during MLD processes
• Objective 4: develop dedicated, industrially scalable reactor concepts for MLD-type processes.
Since the start of HYCOAT in January 2018, key achievements include:
- Recruitment of a gender-balanced team of ESRs
- Successful start of the training program with a kick-off meeting and first training events
- Start of dissemination activities, and putting in place a method to measure impact through KPI’s for each communication channel / target audience.

Training highlights:
- EVENT 1- The “kick-off” meeting of the HYCOAT consortium has taken place at Ghent University, Belgium on August 19-20, 2018. This meeting has officially set off the research activities and aided in planning the required activities for the first year of the project. It was also helpful for the early stage researchers to gain a broad knowledge of ALD/MLD.This was followed by Hands-on training on different characterization techniques like FT-IR, AFM etc at imec and KULeuven, Belgium.
- EVENT 2- In-situ characterization and Effective Science Communication, Gent/Leuven, Belgium, January 16– 20, 2019. The participating ESRs were given hands on training on in-situ characterization including ellipsometry and FTIR. Their presentation and communication skills were improved during a session in KU Leuven. The local ESRs at UGent and KULeuven were involved in the organization, offering them the opportunity to develop their skills in presenting/explaining to peers.
- EVENT 3- Chemical precursors for MLD and hands on session on Modelling, Tyndall National institute, Cork, Ireland, April 8-11 2019. This training focussed on making the ESRs familiar with modelling skillls for ALD/MLD, followed by talks on precursor sythesis and charaterization. This was followed by the mid-term review meeting and one- on-one meeting with the project officer.
- EVENT 4- Introduction to biomaterials and workshop on IP, entrepreneurship, exploitation of research results, NanoGUNE, September 2-6 2019.

Scientific results:
Since the Summer of 2018, all ESRs have been actively pursuing the advancement of the MLD field (WP1) by increasing the library of MLD precursors and introducing innovative processing, modelling, characterization and reactor concepts, and developing specific applications of MLD in the fields of encapsulation and barrier coatings (WP2), biomedical coatings (WP3), micro-electronics and thermo-electrics (WP4) and energy storage (WP5). Key results have been summarized in the mid-term report, and are being prepared for publication.
At the moment, the HYCOAT project already clearly has a major impact on all ESRs, since they have left their home country to join this adventure. During the training events, the ESRs got the opportunity to meet and share their experiences with peers. They all seem to be well integrated in the group, which will be beneficial to address their mutual tasks such as launching and updating the Wikipedia page, and distributing a yearly news letter. It is still too early in the project to have a clear sight on how their participation in HYCOAT will affect e.g. their professional career, but it is evident that one can expect a profound impact.

The participating groups knew each other already quite well before the start of the Action, in some cases through informal meetings e.g. at conferences, and in other cases through common (bilateral) projects and publications. However, the Action is clearly increasing the number and quality of the interactions between the participating groups, since the different training events and the shared supervision of the ESRs is generating a better knowledge of each other’s key strenghts and capabilites, and is offering more opportunities for discussion.

HYCOAT will train the ESRs in the multiple disciplines that are related to MLD and prepare them to have the skills and expertise to work in multidisciplinary, multinational teams and with a focus on strategic development, technology transfer and industrial innovation. Europe is today at the pole position in the science of MLD. We hope that the interdisciplinary and multi-environment training offered by HYCOAT can extrapolate this current scientific pioneering role towards a worldwide leadership in economic and societal impact of innovations enabled by MLD.
Hybrid coatings
Principle of Molecular Layer Deposition