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Next generation Technologies for networked Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NEXT-NET (Next generation Technologies for networked Europe)

Período documentado: 2019-04-01 hasta 2019-12-31

Market and societal challenges are creating the urgent need for companies to significantly adapt the way they are organised and interlinked within Supply Chains. Customisation, climate changes, scarcity of resources, acceleration of the technological development bring threats and opportunities for the European manufacturing sectors, as well as for the distribution and logistics sector and lead to the need of new and reconfigured supply chains and collaboration mechanisms that shift from cost competitiveness to striving for the highest value.
NEXT-NET project had the following goals:
Goal 1. “Creating a European network of stakeholders in supply chains (SCs) from discrete manufacturing, process, logistics and ICT industries"
Goal 2. “Identifying common trends & challenges in research, technology as well as broader innovation-related areas”
Goal 3.” Identify future industrial scenarios”
Goal 4. “Developing a strategic research agenda and a joint strategy and action plan”
The full coverage of the topics of NEXT-NET is assured by a comprehensive and complementary consortium where all these areas are represented by partners already engaged in several initiatives and projects for research and innovation in the area of SC. The NEXT-NET consortium is led by CNR-STIIMA and includes PNO consulting, Zaragoza Logistics Centre, INESC TEC, Frauhnofer-IML, and Aston University.
NEXT-NET research activities have been based on the methodology at fig.1. In particular, for what concerns the goals of the project:
Goal 1: Creation of a European network of stakeholders in supply chains (SCs) from the discrete manufacturing, process, logistic and ICT industries, reaching a critical mass of relevant stakeholders from all targeted industries and scientific domains. Experts involved through several actions like workshops, seminars, consultation, expert elicitation and interviews.

Goal 2: The consortium has conducted a deep analysis of the megatrends and trends which will influence the SCs of the future considering different dimensions: political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. This analysis is based on a systematic literature review of more than 300 reports, grey literature, sectorial studies, strategic roadmaps, governmental reports and scientific papers and on workshops with experts.

Goal 3: definition of 1) MACRO-SCENARIOS: Future scenarios have been created, and out of 12 scenarios presenting high degree of consistency 6 of them have been selected for their probability of occurance and the expected potential pressure for changes on the supply chain caused by a scenario have been evaluated in an expert workshop. 2) MICRO-SCENARIOS are based on supply chain characteristics and scenarios. The most appropriate SC scenarios have been defined, which are categorized into eight dimensions: Product & Service, Supply Chain Paradigm, Technology Level, Sourcing & Distribution, Supply Chain Configuration, Manufacturing Systems, Sales Channels and Sustainability.

Goal 4. Development of the Strategic Research and Innovation agenda based on:
1) TECHNOLOGIES MAPPING to SUPPLY CHAIN MODELS: analysing European roadmaps and other scientific reports to identify 18 enabling technologies for future SC highlighting their TRL and implications on the SC performance and mapping the enabling technologies to the future supply chain scenarios.
2) SPECIFIC CHALLENGES related to the SC processes and strategies and to associate the listed technologies to each scenario and SC strategies.
3) SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE: Wide consultation with experts was held to select 10 supply chain strategies for the next decade which are: Hyper-Connected SC, Disaster Relief SC, Global SC, Urban SC, Resource Efficient SC, Human Centered SC, Closed-Loop SC, Customer-Driven SC, Service Driven SC, Biointelligent SC. For each of them a set of research and innovation prioritieis, with impact and timeframe have been defined. (see fig. 2 for the overall framework).
4) POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTIONS: based on key horizonal issues that can impact the future development of the SC strategies, some policy recommendations have been identified as input for future developments of Horizon Europe. These policy recommendations are related to:
i) Assuring appropriate standards and legislation for European SCs (such as Fostering harmonisation of legislation and standards on European SCs, Disseminating standards among European SC stakeholders, Facilitating and boosting multimodal transportation);
ii) Educating and training professionals for the future SCs for developing the workforce of the future);
iii) drafting international agreements aiming at future European SCs (such as Promoting bi- and multi-lateral agreements that consider an overall SC perspective, Supporting the establishment of R&D networks for advancements and dissemination of SC-related topics);
iv) Supporting and fostering incentives and funding scheme (such as enhancing collaboration based on European Projects results with a platform for data repository, Establishing a prize to support and spread best practices in the SC, Creating synergies between public and private sectors in funding);
v) Promoting reference bodies for European SCs through the Creation of a European SC knowledge hub
vi)Establishing infrastructure for fostering of future European SCs (with actions to upgrade infrastructures for low-emission supply chains, to Promote 5G and Beyond as well as autonomous vehicles (AVs) to improve urban supply chains).
EU roadmaps, private studies related to specific sectors like manufacturing, distribution or specific technological development (Artificial Intelligence, IOT etc) were a valuable background and comparing them allowed to systematise and harmonise in dedicated objectives.

The results of the NEXT-NET project can have the following impacts:
● Industrial level: the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) can be used by companies to define specific development paths to face future scenarios and adapt consequently the configurations and management of the supply chains. Each company can identify its supply chain strategies and use the paths we propose with the related research topics in order to improve processes and products;
● Consultancy level: the SRIA can be used by consulting companies to support industry in implementing innovation in supply chain;
● Policy level: SRIA is supported by the action plan with policy recommendations and together can be used to support industrial leadership at European level in view of the new programme Horizon Europe; in the document we propose a timeframe and this can be useful to put in place specific actions related to institutional bodies, standards, regulatory framework, international agreements;
● Education level: the results provide new content for educational and professional programmes for project partners that can use the content in training programmes both at undergraduate and executive level;
● Research level: new projects can be defined matching specific industrial needs and the topics collected in the document.
NEXT NET Supply Chain Strategies
NEXT NET steps