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Multi-modal Optimisation for Road-space in Europe

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

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Assessment of potential for new technologies

Brief description Taking outputs from T31 and T33 this deliverable will report oniOffroad technology trials of some new technologies eg enhanced traffic signal control management iiOnroad design trials of new LED traffic sign and road marking technologies andiiiAn assessment of potential for new technologies to enhance urban roadspace efficiency in different contextsBased on Task 531 and 532

Analysis of technological advances

Brief description The deliverable identifies describes and assesses the contribution that new technological advances could make to the provision of supply on main roads in cities This includes the vehicles themselves eg automated oncarriageway vehicles for personal use bus services and deliveries and footway drones for small deliveries the infrastructure eg selfhealing road surfaces the conveyance of information eg invehicle and LED road signs and lane markings advances in roadspace management eg advanced dynamic traffic control and advances in realtime data provision through new forms of sensors and probesReference to task Summarises outputs from T31

Urban corridor road design: guides, objectives and performance indicators

Brief description This deliverable provides a supply perspective with three primary components First an international review academic plus grey literature held by national governments city authorities and consultants of the functions associated with different types of roads in cities and current design guidelines for allocating spacecapacity on urban main roads Second a review of criteria currently used for allocating roadspace between competing demands and third a review and recommendations on the adoption of a set of Movement and Place performance indicators to be used as outputs in the modelling stage of MORE Results will need to be translated into English for incorporation into the deliverableReference to task This brings together the results from T12 T13 and T14

Case study reports- future conditions

Brief description This deliverable will comprise one section for each of the five city case studies and will develop optimal roadspace management packages for future conditions on each feeder route for modelling and appraisal More specifically it will report on iThe development of future scenarios for the wider impact areas and modelling of their multimodal implications for these impact areas focusing in on the implied person movement demands by mode along the feeder routes as an input to option generation modelling and appraisal iiGenerating sets of design options for different future scenarios using tools developed in Tasks 41 and 42 iiiBuilding and application of a Vissim model for parts of each feeder route using tools enhanced in Task 43 andivAppraisal of design options using tools developedenhanced in Task 44Based on elements of Tasks 521 522 and 523

Incorporating user needs in the design of major urban TEN feeder route corridors

Brief description: This deliverable provides a ‘demand’ perspective, and identifies existing urban main road street user needs and behaviour patterns, drawing on three data sources (i) existing international, national and city level data; (ii) a sample survey of street users in each of our five city corridors, and (iii) interviews with identified user lobby groups and independent experts. Specific outputs will cover: how each group uses main roads, what services they require from the roads and how this translates into space/time and capacity requirements. Results will need to be translated into English, for incorporation into the deliverable. Reference to task: This presents results from Task 1.1.

Final exploitation and legacy plan

Brief description The final exploitation plan will focus on legacy and set out a plan to exploit the Application Tools and general Guide beyond the end of the projectReference to task T61

Case study reports- current conditions

Brief description This deliverable will comprise one section for each of the five city case studies and will develop optimal roadspace management packages for current conditions on each feeder route for modelling and appraisal More specifically it will report oniThe collation and collection of data for each corridor as an input to option generation modelling and appraisal iiGenerating sets of design options for current conditions using tools developed in Tasks 41 and 42 iiiBuilding and application of a Vissim model for parts of each feeder route using tools enhanced in Task 43 andivAppraisal of design options using tools developedenhanced in Task 44Based on elements of Tasks 511 512 513 and 514

Case study design methodology

Brief description: This deliverable will comprise one section for each of the five city corridors, and will define the case study area and the case study methodology. This will include (i) details of corridor characteristics (spatial extent, interface with the TEN-T Network, multi-modal options, land use patterns, etc); (ii) stakeholder groups and the agreed local stakeholder engagement framework; (iii) future demand and supply scenarios to be tested in the expanded Vissim model, and (iv) design briefs for developing design options, for each corridor. Reference to task: based on Task 5.1

The Regulatory framework

Brief descriptionD22i Categorisation and grouping of measures that require road users to change their behavioursD22ii Overview of the current use and enforcement of regulatory measures in each of the countries involved in a MORE demonstration project This will include the processes by which new regulations are introduced and the cost timescale and any difficulties in doing soD22iii Overview of innovative road user and traffic control measures identified in other tasks that might require innovative enforcement and other regulatory measuresD22iv Detailed discussion of the working and effectiveness of current regulatory measures and possible improvements that might result from new techniques greater use of technology or legislative and administrative changes D22v Matrix of measures under consideration for each of the corridor studies against the suitability of different enforcement and other road user influencing techniques needed to make them effectiveReference to task T22

Analysis of institutional and organizational factors

Brief description This report provides a common analytic framework methodology and data collection strategy for WP2 It includes an uptodate analysis of major institutional and organizational factors shaping the design and implementation of urban roadspace allocation strategies across the five cities The preparation of D21 draws on feedback from each city on why roadspace allocation has emerged as an urban public policy issue the state of institutional and organizational factors in their respective context by identifying key policy documents legislations etc and the various mechanisms introduced in order to overcome these barriers A 1st internal workshop intended as a first milestone for WP2 will be convened by Sciences Po in cooperation with cities and other partners in order to discuss findings and prepare D21 report Additional facetoface or telephone interviews may be needed in order to refine the analysis It will include all partners involved in WP2 Main findings from D21 will be presented as part of WP7 dissemination knowledge transfer activities Reference to task T21

Case study design methodology - future conditions

Brief description This deliverable will comprise one section for each of the five city case studies and will define the case study area and the case study methodology for future conditions looking 20 to 30 years ahead This will includeiFuller details of the wider impact area characteristics spatial extent multimodal options land use patterns etc iiFuture demand and supply scenarios for the wider impact area based on Visum or similar forecasting model to determine wider corridor movement patterns and modal shares in order to identify likely roadbased modal usage along the feeder route and iiiDesign briefs for future conditions drawing on i and ii which set out the objectives and scenario conditions for developing design options for each feeder route

Dissemination and Engagement Strategy II

Brief description The Dissemination and Engagement Strategy developed at M4 D71 of the project will be informally reviewed at intervals through the project and a second deliverable will be produced at month 24 to update the strategy and refocus it on promoting project outputsReference to task T 71

Dissemination and Engagement Strategy I

Brief description: A comprehensive Dissemination and Engagement Strategy will be developed in the initial months of the project, setting out key target groups, messages and appropriate communication channels. Reference to task: T 7.1.

Future scenarios for TEN feeder routes

Brief description: Drawing on D3.1 and D3.2, this deliverable will first develop a set of generic scenarios reflecting likely future conditions on urban main roads in Europe, and then adapt these to conditions on the five city corridors, as inputs to the modelling work. These scenarios will comprise combinations of assumptions about future patterns of demand and about technology deployment, including disruptive technologies. It will also incorporate findings on urban scenarios from the current Horizon 2020 CREATE project. Reference to task: Summarises outputs from T3.3

Streets as contested spaces

Brief description This report presents the main findings from WP2 including a comparative analysis of all five cities and a summary of lessons learnt Drawing on work done in T21 and in WP1 3 the report seeks to understand how and by whom urban roadspace allocation strategies are framed and the extent to this meets with a number of political and social resistances Cities will also provide information and data about public attitudes The preparation of D23 draws on desk analysis grey literature policy documents media etc Group interviews will be organized in each city with local officials and stakeholders and the work done by cities on public attitudes following in both cases a common framework and methodology developed with Sciences Pos support This will allow cities to do this workshop in their native language A transcript will be established in order to share the content with other MORE partners A 2nd Internal workshop will organized by Sciences Po in cooperation with cities and other partners in order to report and discuss findings from each city and prepare D23 report In combination with the analysis done in WP1 3 findings from D23 feed into the work done in WP4 5 6 7 and more specifically a summary of lessons learnt and a contribution to the dissemination events organized by POLIS WP7 Reference to task T23

MORE toolkit

Brief description This will provide an overall guide to the set of Application Tools developed as part of MORE through setting out a process by which the tools can be used in realworld corridor applications The deliverable will include practical examples from the five case study corridors Reference to task T62

Products fact sheets

Brief description A short factsheet will be prepared for each of the Application Tools setting out i what the tool does ii why it is useful for the street design process iii brief illustrations of applications in one or more corridors and iv contact details for further informationReference to task T63

Future user needs

Brief description: The deliverable identifies the potential drivers of future demand for road-space on major urban roads, associated with changes in socio-demographics, lifestyles and business models. It will do this through an international literature review (academic and grey literatures in different languages) and interviews with key stakeholder groups representing cities and user lobby groups. This information will be supplemented with local information from the five city corridors. Reference to task: Summarises outputs from T3.2

Cross-site assessment of case study design packages

Brief description Using a combination of i stakeholder feedback and process evaluation and ii technical evaluation of the case study design option appraisals it will assess the five feeder route sets of design packages and explore their potential wider applicability drawing on tools developed in Task 44Based on Task 541 542 and 543

Technical methods for generating urban road-space design options - Final

Brief description Final version of D41

Dissemination and Engagement Strategy III

Brief description The Dissemination and Engagement Strategy developed at M4 D71 and updated at M24 D72 will be informally reviewed and a third deliverable will be produced at month 36 to update the strategy and refocus it on promoting project outputs Reference to task T 71

Project website

Brief description: The project website will be formally delivered in month 4, carrying general information about MORE and the planned public deliverables; it will then be updated at regular intervals, to report on activities, events, major achievements and to provide access to public deliverables. Reference to task: T 7.2.3

Project leaflet

Brief description: A leaflet will be produced, both electronically and in paper format, summarising the vision behind the project, the objectives, consortium, main activities and planned MORE outputs Reference to task: T 7.2.2.

MORE toolkit - ‘popular' version

Brief description This will provide an easy to read summary of the technical deliverable D62 It will summarise the purpose of MORE the roadspace optimisation processes that have been developed during the project illustrate their application and provide links to the detailed Application ToolsReference to task T734

Project newsletters

Brief description Project newsletters will be produced at sixmonthly intervals reporting on major events and findings They will be distributed electronically to a large data base and made accessible via the MORE web site At the end of the project the six newsletters will be collated and submitted as one formal deliverableReference to task 722 Promotion tools


Designing Pedestrian Facilities: A Challenging Task at the Intersection of Urban and Transport Planning

Author(s): Gerike, R., Jones, P., Koszowski, C., Schmotz, M., Schröter, B., Weber, J., Wittwer, R.
Published in: ISHGD Publications, 2020
Publisher: ISHGD Publications

Technological advances for co-designing urban main road corridors

Author(s): Lu, M., Gelebo, B., Jones, P.
Published in: 14th ITS European Congress, Issue Paper ID: SP2176. 18-20 May 2020, 2020
Publisher: ERTICO - ITS Europe

Intelligent traffic control for urban feeder routes – a case study in Malmö

Author(s): Lu, M., Gelebo, B.
Published in: The 27th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 11-15 October 2021, Hamburg, Issue Paper ID: SP99. 2021, 2021
Publisher: ERTICO – ITS Europe

Optimising and future-proofing the design of major urban routes for all street users

Author(s): Jones, P.
Published in: In: The 17th Annual Transport Practitioners' Meeting. PTRC: Oxford, UK. (2019), Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) 1
Publisher: UCL Discovery

Future traffic management – a case study of Lisbon

Author(s): Lu, M., Pinheiro, J.
Published in: The 28th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 18-22 September 2022, Los Angeles, CA, 2022
Publisher: ITS America

Impacts of electrification and CCAM on the road network

Author(s): Lu, M., Nagalur Subraveti, H.
Published in: The 28th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 18-22 September 2022, Los Angeles, CA, 2022
Publisher: ITS America

Future scenarios for urban main road corridor co-design: Enhancing the European TEN-T network

Author(s): Lu, M., Jones, P., Gelebo, B., Blokpoel, R.
Published in: The 8th Transport Research Arena (TRA 2020), Issue Paper ID: 348. 27-30 April 2020, 2020
Publisher: TRA 2020

Policy Solution Ownership: Road Space Re-allocation as New Approach to Urban Mobility

Author(s): Halpern C.
Published in: Zittoun P., Fischer F., Zahariadis N., The Political Formulation of Policy Solutions,, 2021, Page(s) 173-190
Publisher: Bristol policy press

Built Environment Determinants of Pedestrian Activities and Their Consideration in Urban Street Design

Author(s): Regine Gerike; Caroline Koszowski; Bettina Schröter; Ralph Buehler; Paul Schepers; Johannes Weber; Rico Wittwer; Peter B. Jones
Published in: Sustainability, Issue 13, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13169362

Guidance and Practice in Planning Cycling Facilities in Europe—An Overview

Author(s): Schröter, B.; Hantschel, S.; Koszowski, C.; Buehler, R.; Schepers, P.; Weber, J.; Wittwer, R.; Gerike, R.
Published in: Sustainability, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13179560

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