Periodic Reporting for period 3 - FORESEE (Future proofing strategies FOr RESilient transport networks against Extreme Events)
Período documentado: 2021-03-01 hasta 2022-02-28
Information overload and uncertainties in decision making when traffic disruptions occur
General lack of built-in resilience capability, integrated into transport infrastructure due to the inability to monetize resilience for investment decisions
strong barriers to the implementation of resilience into operating practice
Investments in emerging issues are difficult to justify when benefits are not clear
To increase the understanding of the risk and costs associated with extreme events in order to reduce the uncertainty allowing more reliable and accuracy resilience decisions
The operationalization of resilience policies into operational practice
Cost-performance risk assessment approaches and criticality concepts to support wise investments
Infrastructure managers and operators must ensure that transport assets function continually and safely against extreme events which will require important investments to upgrade them in order to improve their resilience
Prioritization of the most disruptive hazards impacting on the transportation network, Extreme Weather Events, landslides, earthquakes and Man-made hazards, addressing their impact and cascade effects.
The project has stablished a common framework to integrate resilience related concepts, tools, methodologies and other solutions into the day-to-day management of transport infrastructure networks by owners, operators and other stakeholders involved. FORESEE has also been able to facilitate procedures to propose and compare different solutions aimed to improve network’s LoS and LoR, enabling the short, medium, long term planning of different design, operation and maintenance action based on objective and CBA procedures
FORESEE has developed, demonstrated, and validated an innovative management approach and has laid out a whole system planning software platform, , able to facilitate a holistic management throughout the entire lifecycle of the infrastructure, providing an integrated view of transport networks’ service and resilience. The FORESEE platform is able of detecting hot spot areas, predicting and alerting of extreme events, reducing the uncertainty of impacts, integrating innovative adaptation technologies and resilience guidelines. It can predict and issue alerts of extreme event on vulnerable areas, but it is also capable of integrating drainage and culvert design solutions, permeable pavements and slope systems, structural health monitoring, new engineering links as well as more general validated best practices and recommendation.
WP2: Data acquisition, collection, integration and management system
T 2.2 “Hot spot risk mapping and impact ranking” GIS tool
T 2.4 “Virtual modelling and asset failure prediction”
T 2.5’s “BIM based alerting SAS platform”
WP3: Design and development of novel adaptation measures. New materials and systems
T 3.1: New Permeable asphalt pavements and T 3.2: New single kit for slope stabilization-protection systems
T 3.3: Strategies towards Sustainable Drainage Systems
T 3.4: Analysis and implementation of innovative engineering of links to allow a smooth transfer from modes in case of extreme events
WP4: Updated methodologies, practices and solutions
T 4.1 “Revision of climatic databases and development of a new flooding methodology” progresses
T 4.2 “Development of Shakemaps based on semiempirical approaches” develops seismic hazard assessment methodology based on the generation of shaking scenarios using synthetic accelerograms
T 4.3 “Development of algorithms for the selection and definition of efficient and optimal actions” has developed 1st versions of 2 algorithms to be used in the assessment of resilience using simulations, and a methodology for prioritizing resilience enhancing
T 4.4 “Development of a hybrid data fusion framework” aims to merge knowledge from diverse monitoring information
T 4.5 “Updated SHM algorithms”. There is no single method able to solve the problem in real practice. As a result of it, the proposed approach is mixing model-based and data-driven methods
WP5: FORESEE Response, mitigation and adaptation toolkit
Sub-T 5.2.1: Data Integration Process is defining 1st and implement later the functions and models for the integration of various data from multiple sources and tools
Sub-T 5.2.2 Interfaces defines first and implements later the interfaces for the management and interoperability among the multiple modules in the toolkit and data sources
WP6 “Case study application. Validation test cases” anticipated to M6 to provide feedback
WP7 “Resilience scheme application” deals with the definition of operational resilience schemes to reduce the impact and consequences of extreme events in transport networksPartner:
A complete overview of all the FORESEE results can be reviewed in the Leraning hub section inside the FORESEE offical website ( including brief presentations to them, ppts and videos. Each result included has the contact info of the main partner which has developed that result in order to enhance the possible exploitation of those results after the project. Public results have been uploaded to the website ( for public dissemination of them. Partners have agreed different exploitation strategies to exploit the results obtanied in the project.
Provide an overview of this definition and indicator landscape and will make a proposal of how the definitions and the indicators should be used.
Demonstrate how structural deformations can be detected from satellite imagery and then combined with in-situ sensor data and virtual physical environments
Offer ways of intelligibly processing the Big stream of Data aimed for infrastructures' management
Provide an interdependency methodology for better assessment of the overall vulnerabilities and the proper counter-event measures
Implement an asset failure prediction capability based on algorithms that can map the highest vulnerability areas
Provide the use of novel materials and designs for pavements and slope stabilization
Make use of statistical techniques to improve the currents calculations for determining flows of water and improve the design of SDS
Provide performance based designs concepts for safety routes and areas inside multi-hubs.